來源: https://www.thescore.com/nba/news/2383277
Cuban: Mavs 'didn't get a chance' to offer contract to Brunson
庫班: Brunson 並沒有給小犢機會報價
Despite reportedly taking meetings with multiple teams leading up to his free
agency, newly-signed New York Knicks guard Jalen Brunson was set on playing
in the Big Apple.
儘管據報導 Jalen Brunson 與多隻球隊進行會面,但 Brunson 最終還是選擇尼克隊。
Although happy for Brunson, Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban said the
25-year-old never gave his former club a shot at retaining him.
"We really didn't get a chance to make an offer. It was Jalen's choice,"
Cuban told reporters, including New York Daily News' Stefan Bondy.
"We wanted him to stay, but he had his reason, and I respect that."
雖然替 Brunson 開心,但小犢隊老闆庫班表示 25 歲的 Brunson 從來沒有給他的前
"這是 Jalen 的選擇,我們真的沒有獲得給他報價的機會"
The New Jersey native joined the Knicks on the first day of free agency,
signing a four-year, $104-million deal to return to the area where he grew up.
在紐澤西土生土長的 Brunson 選擇了回到他長大的地方,在交易市場開市的第一天就跟
尼克隊簽下了一份 4 年 1 億 400 萬美金的合約。
New York recently hired Brunson's father, Rick, a nine-year NBA veteran, as
an assistant coach. Additionally, team president Leon Rose previously
represented both Brunsons as their agent.
尼克隊最近雇用了在 NBA 打過 9 年的 Jelen 的父親 Rick Brunson 為助理教練,
此外,尼克隊總裁 Leon Rose 曾經是 Jelen Brunson 跟 Rick Brunson 的經紀人。
Cuban said "it's up to the (NBA)" to decide when reporters asked whether the
close connections to the Knicks could be considered tampering.
當記者問到 Brunson 與尼克隊這樣緊密的關係是否可視為用不正當的手段來影響時,
庫班表示 "這必須由 NBA 來決定"。
The Mavericks selected Brunson with the third pick in the second round of the
2018 draft after a stellar college career at Villanova. He started 127 games
over four seasons in Dallas, improving his point total in his last two
seasons with the club.
小犢在 2018 選秀會上以第二輪第三順位選到了在 Villanova 的大學生涯表現十分傑出
的 Brunson。他在達拉斯的過去四個球季先發了 127 場比賽,並在最近兩季的得分獲得
The 6-foot-1 guard broke out in this year's playoffs, posting at least 23
points in each of the six games in Dallas' first-round win against the Utah
Jazz. Brunson averaged 21.6 points over 18 playoff games in 2022.
這位 6 尺 1 吋的後衛在今年的季後賽大爆發,在第一輪達拉斯對抗猶他爵士時,六場
比賽每一場都得超過 23 分。Brunson 在今年的 18 場季後賽平均得分為 21.6 分。