來源: BR推特
https://twitter.com/BleacherReport/status/1546334373129007104Darvin Ham: “I’m excited as hell to have Russell Westbrook on our team.”
Darvin Ham說:「有Russell Westbrook在我們隊上,我興奮到不行。」影片:
https://streamable.com/n1tfnb「Russ is known for his huge competitive spirit, and the velocity at which he
gets up and down the floor pushing the ball.」
「龜龜的競爭性,以及他在場上推進球的速度為人所知。」「The thing I said is "you just have to diversify that". Not only will he be
leading the charge pushing the break, but screening and rolling, defending...
that's where it's going to start, not only for Russ but for everybody... we
have to get back to playing defense... Russ in my opinion is in great shape,
he's durable... I'm excited as hell to have Russell Westbrook on our team.」
今天湖總Darvin Ham在看湖人夏聯比賽的時候說到。
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1657514137.A.7FB.htmlyyes52101樓會不會說完就被交易走了 07/11 12:36
angelne2樓龜龜也好興奮 07/11 12:36
→ hunt55663樓合理 不知道要ki幹嘛,就一個超級負資產 07/11 12:37
ken18254樓… 07/11 12:37
→ jetloading005樓要確定餒 07/11 12:37
YCkuku6樓西區各隊也都好興奮!! 07/11 12:37
rukawa287樓沒按照L老闆的稿子念稿,要高歌離席囉 07/11 12:37
kooyoo11448樓waku waku 07/11 12:37
cl1030hen9樓這個火腿 怪怪的 07/11 12:37
starxls10樓waku waku 07/11 12:38
Kazmier11樓等KI來你就有得受了 07/11 12:38
→ jetloading0012樓不過Ham難道能說其他的內容嗎 07/11 12:38
→ pttxx13樓很耐操! 07/11 12:38
angels14樓山羊要喊吹蜜了? 07/11 12:38
Kidd050215樓新球季看來是龜龜帶隊了 07/11 12:38
iopjklbnm16樓他可以保持沈默或打太極 07/11 12:38
live14722217樓蛤? 07/11 12:39
s88030318樓韓總:要做塞子 07/11 12:39
liang85040919樓人在江湖 身不由己 別人故意問他威少 那他也只能回 07/11 12:39
kent039820樓現在換不掉當然開吹 開季後再來看看 07/11 12:39
crusoe21樓少騙人了 07/11 12:40
→ benptt22樓抱錯腿下場可能..... 07/11 12:40
07/11 12:41 conqueror50724樓開打後:龜去蹲底角拆彈 07/11 12:41
→ SlamKai25樓??? ??? ??? ??? 喔 是商品推銷 07/11 12:42
sakraypopo26樓雞湯拼命灌 07/11 12:43
timoy27樓有沒有可能是找Ham專門帶西河,如果西河交易掉了教 07/11 12:43
07/11 12:43 → timoy29樓練也可以換了,所以反而教練要珍惜? 07/11 12:43
07/11 12:43