[花邊] Bobby Marks:Curry是歷史第二好的球員



Bobby Marks:Curry是歷史第二好的球員
"[Steph Curry] is the 2nd-best player of all-time"

I'm going to stun you with this take here. I actually think Steph Curry is the second-best player of all time. Right behind Michael Jordan. Curry has this instinct what I saw with Jordan.Anytime he has the ball you think it's going to go in.

Bobby Marks:我這麼說可能會讓你感到震驚,但我真的認為Curry是歷史第二偉大的球員,就排在MJ後面。 Curry就和MJ一樣,只要他拿到球,你就覺得他會進。

He is a threat offensively. I think we've got 3 or 4 more years of Curry in his prime right now


I would put Curry ahead of LeBron James right now.



Sent from JPTT on my Realme RMX1921.

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1657688793.A.DFF.html
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