https://bit.ly/3yLh03g原文:I’ve had the luxury of not having to deal with any serious injuries — wi
th surgeries or whatnot — my entire career. But these last two years, I’ve bee
n dealing with some hamstring issues, which are nothing to play with.
So I’m taking this summer as an opportunity to do something for me, to make sur
e that I get back to the elite level that I know I can be at and that I will be
at,” he vows. “So that’s priority No. 1.
Basketball is the engine that drives everything — for us to be having this conv
ersation, all the partners that I have, and the great things that I have going o
n outside of basketball — so I’ve got to make sure that’s on point.”
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1657866323.A.A4D.htmlCMPunk1樓這張照片體態不錯喔 07/15 14:25
chinhan12162樓今年會好? 07/15 14:26
justgetup3樓就是說齁 他那個膝蓋是怎麼了 07/15 14:26
→ Aggro4樓他這幾年應該是真的有危機意識了 不然真的沒冠軍 07/15 14:26
→ qazws9315樓行乞跪太久了? 07/15 14:26
zero96137196樓怎麼有點像nipsi hussle 07/15 14:27
→ Aggro7樓這幾年明顯就是啥都好談 但要能拚冠 07/15 14:27
→ hua01228樓能痊癒回春 76人就賺 07/15 14:27
→ zero96137199樓nipsey錯字 07/15 14:27
lexus331010樓歲月不饒鬍 夜店筋?希望火箭登可以回來 07/15 14:27
lafeelbarth11樓為腿所苦 07/15 14:28
ks9602101912樓巔峰時季後賽也常烙賽,很難看好他能奪冠 07/15 14:28
→ justgetup13樓還有就是他褲子是不是歪一邊,難道是黑人基因 07/15 14:28
qmaning14樓還好沒又變廢 07/15 14:28
munchlax15樓抱錯退,好傷、好苦 07/15 14:29
icou16樓褲子好明顯喔 哈哈哈 07/15 14:29
puro17樓其實到今年還滿明顯的 他在雙K缺陣那時候都沒辦法單 07/15 14:29
→ TheoEpstein18樓褲子好明顯..... 07/15 14:29
→ puro19樓核主宰比賽了 如果真的像他說的因為這個傷 那看起來 07/15 14:29
→ puro20樓真的影響不小 07/15 14:29
chinhan121621樓恐怖鬍子要回來了! 07/15 14:29
weather1222樓加油吧 07/15 14:29
→ icou23樓認真說啦 看比賽也覺得他腿傷一直蠻明顯的 07/15 14:29
Aggro24樓他那年帶傷硬打季後賽真的太傷了 07/15 14:30
sunnyyoung25樓養傷啊 07/15 14:30
Bakushinchi26樓體態看起來不錯耶 加油加油! 07/15 14:30
AtDe27樓就看今年了!!舞台準備好了! 07/15 14:30
samuncle12328樓火箭隊友都回來了 碎片湊齊 火箭鬍煞爽回歸 07/15 14:30
kl01501329樓一隻叫KD 一隻叫KI XD 07/15 14:30
→ hua012230樓只要變回能開三節無雙球的水準 76人就有爭冠本錢 07/15 14:31