[外絮] KD吹密不順 「沒人想幫籃網~~」



來源: SNY
網址: https://reurl.cc/4paK62

Why sources were pessimistic about Nets being able to trade Kevin Durant: 'No
one wants to help'

A few notes on the Nets with NBA training camp less than two months away…

Late last month, multiple people familiar with the Nets’ Kevin Durant talks
were pessimistic about the possibility of a deal getting done in the near

Part of the pessimism stemmed from the idea that, as of last month, there was
little appetite in the market for teams to serve as a third or fourth team to
facilitate a Durant trade.

“No one wants to help (Brooklyn get a deal done),” one team remarked.

As with all trade talks, things are fluid. So the dynamic can change at any
time. But late last month one source familiar with the Nets/Durant dynamic
said things were in a “holding pattern” based on past talks between
Brooklyn and other teams.

Durant requested a trade from the Nets prior to the start of free agency.
Days earlier, Kyrie Irving had opted in to the final year of his contract
with Brooklyn after negotiations with the club. A few weeks after the season,
GM Sean Marks said the club would be looking to establish a strong culture
again following a first-round sweep by Boston.
在球季結束後幾周,總管Sean Marks說,在首輪就被青賽淘汰後,球隊目標是要建立一



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1659667178.A.B39.html
Aggro1樓沒人想被搶吧 08/05 10:40
lsps408032樓搶劫誰要幫... 08/05 10:41
QOO91423樓湖人表示: 我喊跟我交易喊很久惹 08/05 10:41
melzard4樓說穿了就是現在的他沒強到有人想以他當核心建隊 08/05 10:41
jameslin5105樓湖人幫阿 08/05 10:41
evangelew6樓籃網這只懂得被搶,不知道怎麼搶人 08/05 10:42
ebabyebaby7樓卡西門公子吧就說籃網想賣KD首先要出清西門才可能 08/05 10:42
uuss8樓換了要被掏空資產,KD又會嫌隊友都是小貓 08/05 10:42
melzard9樓年紀大了 實質戰力後面年份很可能和大約不符比例 08/05 10:42
TheoEpstein10樓湖人也沒資產可以換KD 08/05 10:42
Aggro11樓倒也不是強不強 而是他只能用幾年 賭注太大了 08/05 10:43
melzard12樓然後籃網想噱一筆 就變成有價無市 08/05 10:43
chinhan121613樓要爭冠的才會要KD 但你要價又是把我隊伍給拆了 08/05 10:43
Aggro14樓然後想賭的籃網又獅子大開口 那想賭的換到也沒意義 08/05 10:43
ebabyebaby15樓想換得都是季後賽球隊沒指定新秀當配菜會掏空太多人 08/05 10:43
melzard16樓如果今天是年輕五歲的KD場面肯定不是現在這樣 08/05 10:44
gostt17樓誰要這種人當建隊核心 08/05 10:45
Aggro18樓年輕五歲的KD搞不好不急著跑 08/05 10:45
gn0015209719樓籃網也沒真的想積極交易KD阿 08/05 10:45
ghostxx20樓年紀大了健康也變差,換他又得清掉一定戰力跟未來 08/05 10:45
Aggro21樓他現在就不是去當建隊核心的 他現在就是上限突破器 08/05 10:45
gn0015209722樓籃網真正想交易的一直都是KI 08/05 10:45
idlewolf23樓就算要全拆後當建隊核心 也要時間啊 但kd幾歲了 08/05 10:46
AtDe24樓KD繼續在打一年吧~~ 08/05 10:46
idlewolf25樓等球隊人找齊練好 他也走到生涯末期啦 08/05 10:47
papapapapapa26樓為什麼要幫你? 08/05 10:47
hank1324127樓籃網要那籌碼也沒人想幫,這是受了兩次大傷的KD 08/05 10:48
hank1324128樓不是巔峰期的KD欸 08/05 10:49
sezna29樓四年約沒執行就喊吹的人要怎麼信賴 08/05 10:49
ginopun1047730樓相信西門 08/05 10:49