[情報] KD新合約-開訓一周內可以拿全年一半薪水



來源: YardBarker
網址: https://reurl.cc/W1rY6L

NBA insider Marc Stein reports that Durant's new contract with the Nets will
see him getting half of the $42.9 million he's due this season before the end
of the first week of training camp.
NBA作家Marc Stein報導,KD的新合約可以讓他在開訓後一周就可以拿到他年薪4290萬鎂

"League sources tell me that Durant’s latest deal includes the most
aggressive early payment schedule allowed by league rules; he’ll receive
half of his $42,969,845 salary in Year 1 in two installments before the first
week of training camp is complete."

"Most NBA players don’t start collecting their annual salaries until the
season actually starts, but league sources tell me that Durant’s latest deal
indeed includes the most aggressive early payment schedule allowed by league



"Damn, I'd be tweeting too if I was Tsai."

"Ben Simmons, Kyrie, and KD were made for each other. Nets should just run it
back so we can witness the all-time headcase team in action."



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1660270828.A.335.html
Monchestnut1樓我想支持資方 08/12 10:21
k3854769162樓好爽喔 08/12 10:21
liusim3樓真的湘北欸 可惜教練不是安西 也沒有老大赤木 08/12 10:21
liusim4樓三個人認真打球直接保底東冠的陣容 結果.....XDDDD 08/12 10:22
xbit5樓比西門爽.西門還被球團扣薪勒 08/12 10:23
liusim6樓KD不打球也會被追吧 就要找工會或晉級到法律面了 08/12 10:24
Yofu7樓不參訓可以扣一半的意思嗎 08/12 10:25
pokemon8樓三巨 08/12 10:25
liusim9樓感覺籃網開季會打8成勝率 然後季後賽2輪又重複劇場 08/12 10:25
omage10樓記得nba薪水本來就會分開季-季中幾次給了吧?誰會知 08/12 10:26
liusim11樓有各種給法啊 之前還有延遲支付的新聞 08/12 10:28
kaolla12樓薪水先領 然後不參加訓練 發怪聲 真的有夠爛= = 08/12 10:28
QoGIVoQ13樓預支薪水就擺爛 08/12 10:30
roger262390014樓也只是薪水提前預支吧? 但是如果不出賽薪水最終給 08/12 10:30
roger262390015樓多少要怎麼算? 08/12 10:30
likeyouuu16樓開訓露個面 隊友: 來練球啊 KD: 只是來領錢啦 嘿嘿 08/12 10:31
phix17樓KD打球至少滿認真的 08/12 10:32
dragon80318樓NBA薪水的給法是每個月1跟15號開始給 然後從11月開 08/12 10:33
a9527a19樓正常KD,想打球KI,心理健康西門 真的滿強的吧 08/12 10:33
dirk00720樓籃網真的很神奇 收了三個這種球員 08/12 10:34
dragon80321樓始分期付款 但有的球員的薪水在合約上的協商不同 可 08/12 10:34
dragon80322樓能會提早給一半或者先給1/4之類的 當年Otto Porter 08/12 10:34
dragon80323樓的合約也有類似保障 08/12 10:35
flicker3624樓kd真是晚節不保 要爛就爛到底 08/12 10:35
pennykidd25樓那就不要讓他參加開訓即可 反正他要老闆選邊了啊 08/12 10:39
pennykidd26樓老闆直接挺教練然後找個理由讓他無法參加開訓 08/12 10:40
korgh41327樓有夠爽XDDD 蔡董太會組隊了 08/12 10:41
allex365828樓籃網氣氛3巨頭 08/12 10:42
tatata29樓勞方3巨頭 08/12 10:43
Alex1330樓不過他只分2期,另一半是季末還是季中付款? 08/12 10:44
我剛剛翻譯有點錯誤,要更正一下。 KD年薪的一半會分成兩期給付,1張1000多萬的會在7/1,另外一張會在10/1給。 剩下的一半的年薪會按照聯盟規定每月給。