[外絮] 為何勇士應該要選Poole而不是Green?




NBA agent explains why Golden State Warriors should pay Jordan Poole over
Draymond Green
業界經紀人解釋為何勇士應該要選擇給Jordan Poole錢而不是Draymond Green

On Wednesday, the Golden State Warriors found themselves in the news for the
wrong reasons after veteran forward Draymond Green reportedly “forcefully
struck” teammate Jordan Poole at practice.
昨天勇士球團發現,在老將前鋒嘴綠被報導出在練習時揍了Jordan Poole後,他們陷入

According to NBA insider Vincent Goodwill, the fact that Poole and Green are
both up for contract extensions was a factor in the incident.
根據NBA內幕消息記者Vincent Goodwill報導,實際上是Poole跟Green兩個都要準備續

“Both Poole and Green are up for contract extensions, and it appears Poole
will receive an extension while Green knows he has to play this season out —
playing a part in leading to Green striking Poole, sources said,” Goodwill

The Warriors may need to choose between Green and Poole when it comes to
handing out a max deal, and one NBA agent recently explained why Poole should
be the one to get the nod.

“Does Draymond get the max anywhere else?” the agent asked, according to
Eric Pincus of Bleacher Report.



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1665121144.A.7B9.html
Chanlin011樓一個小鮮肉 一個老阿姨 10/07 13:40
kingroy2樓不光嘴綠老 Curry跟KT也老了 下一代就算非核心Poole 10/07 13:41
RadioMan3樓學弟運鈔車開到門口 博班學長直接爆打司機一頓 10/07 13:41
kingroy4樓大概也是個能用的副手 10/07 13:41
kingroy5樓扣除KT傷後表現不太穩 Poole跟圍巾輪流跳出來得分很 10/07 13:42
kingroy6樓重要 10/07 13:43
lafeelbarth7樓扁他好像沒加到分阿嘴綠 10/07 13:43
rex99998樓Draymond四冠,Poole幾冠? 10/07 13:43
efbnm7539樓P+一定給頂薪 10/07 13:43
rex999910樓Green可是王朝主力,Poole不過角色球員 10/07 13:44
lafeelbarth11樓嘴綠不是不好是沒其他隊敢要 10/07 13:44
kalistanm12樓用完就要被丟了 10/07 13:45
oBatman13樓停止幻想吧 兩個都拿不到頂薪 10/07 13:46
firemm66614樓Herro真的比Poole還爛的感覺 10/07 13:47
Hakase556615樓為什麼不能都不要給 10/07 13:47
ahinetn12316樓希望富堡隊嘴綠頂薪 打兄弟籃球 10/07 13:47
gary88617樓好想看嘴綠去湖人組富堡連線,那畫面太美 10/07 13:49
Zante18樓這真的是外行評論,不知道這個人看過幾場勇士球,綠 10/07 13:49
Zante19樓的態度是很奇怪可能也莫名沒錯,但你知道poole許多 10/07 13:49
Zante20樓大跨步橫移或退後三分都是綠幫他卡住位置,Poole早 10/07 13:49
Zante21樓就觀察好,順勢跳過去,沒有綠的全場空間防守進攻意 10/07 13:50
Zante22樓識,你說Poole還能維持目前幾成? 10/07 13:50
Zante23樓Curry今年靠自身努力及化臻的球技讓別人閉嘴,他不 10/07 13:52
Zante24樓用靠別人,我忘記誰說過(勇士隊友),他不認為幾年 10/07 13:52
Zante25樓前的,Curry有辦法做到今年總冠的制霸力 10/07 13:52
elviscarter26樓嘴綠+瘋狗貝….無法想象畫面多美! 10/07 13:53
Monetelliz27樓這兩個都不值頂薪吧?現在頂芯是可以這樣隨便亂噴的 10/07 13:53
Monetelliz28樓 10/07 13:53
Monetelliz29樓Herro那張約也是莫名其妙,一個進攻沒有很頂如何防 10/07 13:54
Monetelliz30樓守大破洞可以領這麼多 10/07 13:54