[外絮] 高管:湖人在等一個人




Beck: “I will add one thing without going into all the detail, but I was canvas
sing a bunch of front office folks last week when I was workshopping my idea of
‘Can the Nets tear down now? Should they just tear down now? What could they re
asonably get for Kevin Durant? Could they get anything for Kyrie Irving? Could t
hey get anything at all for Ben Simmons?’ And in those discussions, when I brou
ght up the Lakers, the pushback I was getting was they’re waiting for a specifi
c player. That they’re not doing the Pacer deal, that they won’t do the Kyrie
deal now that we for sure thought they would do a couple months ago, is an indic
ation that the Lakers are waiting for a bigger piece to come loose that they thi
nk they can trade Westbrook and the two future firsts for.”


Chris Mannix: “Who do you think that is? I don’t know who that is.”


Beck: “I’ll tell you offline.”


Mannix: “Put it this way: I don’t know that the player, whoever that is that t
he Lakers may be targeting, would be acquirable for what they’re willing to giv
e up.”


Beck: “I don’t think so either, by the way. I don’t think a Westbrook at this
stage of his career plus two future firsts equals a difference-maker at that le
vel, someone who is going to make you a contender.”



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1667956852.A.D0D.html
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