[外絮] 咩棒:若AD有字母哥的心態將是史上最強




Davis is playing the way many expected him to after the Lakers won the title in
2020. He was dominant during that playoff run, and we are finally seeing him get
back to his best after a couple of down seasons where injuries slowed him down
significantly. He has been getting showered with praise, as LeBron James recentl
y said that Davis has been playing like the best player in the league, while Mag
ic Johnson said he'll definitely be in the MVP conversation if he keeps playing
like this. Former Laker, Lamar Odom, has also now come out and said that AD is m
ore skilled than Giannis.


Lamar Odom: "AD is probably more skilled than Giannis Antetokounmpo."


Matt Barnes: "I believe it, but Giannis has that different motor and mindset." W
hen asked about if AD had Giannis' mindset, Barnes added, "It'd be over. Best pl
ayer ever created. We're talking pure talent, name someone that has more talent
than Anthony Davis. He could be a Defensive Player of the Year. He could be an M
VP. He could shoot the three, he could shoot the mid-range. He can get you off t
he dribble, he could post you up, he could dunk, he could block, I mean, come on
man... If AD had Giannis' mind and motor, oh it'd be over. It would be unfair.
God knew not to do that, though."


It is fair to say that AD is more skilled than Giannis but what has made Antetok
ounmpo so great is that relentless desire to get better and push himself to the
limit. Davis doesn't have that kind of a motor, but he is playing at a ridiculou
s level at the moment. If he keeps playing like this for the entire season, then
serious debates will start on just who is the best player in the game today.



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1670215624.A.540.html
negotiates1樓他還需要字母哥的韌帶和關節 12/05 12:47
Notif5202樓確實 但他還需要健康 12/05 12:47
sexycute3樓雀食 12/05 12:48
nt8802454樓AD有外線就是猛 12/05 12:48
abcde0107105樓亂講 12/05 12:49
a32217156樓AD轉隊馬上奪冠太爽了 啃老打電動 12/05 12:50
pongbao7樓沒有如果 12/05 12:51
a32217158樓不過他最大的敵人還是健康 加油 12/05 12:51
akko768159樓有TD的心態才是吧 12/05 12:51
asd1269510樓他還需要字母的耐力 12/05 12:52
genest66611樓上帝是公平的 12/05 12:54
dwiee12樓他需要字母的健康 12/05 12:54
msarthur13樓不要學到不該學的就好 12/05 12:54
madeathmao14樓上帝有調低AD的血條 12/05 12:54
jeff101315樓可惜沒如果 12/05 12:54
r78120716樓需要字母哥的健康跟恢復力 12/05 12:56
k720200117樓有姆斯的健康就無敵了 不 12/05 12:56
UncleGarlic18樓心態這種抽象的東西先不要 健康最實在... 12/05 12:56
s92022319樓健康才是真的 12/05 12:56
conqueror50720樓去年覺得AD比姆斯還更像要退役的老將 12/05 12:57
mhkt21樓假設他擁有字母的健康 那根本不用煩惱了…… 12/05 12:57
mhkt22樓所以才說健康最重要 12/05 12:57
RedDaSu23樓所以別怪人家喜歡鞭一眉,好個幾場就吹上天際 12/05 12:57
hucgly24樓健康吧 整天一波來一波去 心態哪有問題 12/05 12:58
ljk47682025樓基本就是健康外加心態 12/05 12:58
bbbyes12326樓確實 他有字母的心態 絕對超越TD 12/05 12:58
a322171527樓10場了 被拿來討論沒啥吧 12/05 12:58
Iloverushia28樓我覺得比起心態 他更需要健康 12/05 12:58
a322171529樓而且是前球員吹 也不是鄉民硬吹 12/05 12:59
ramirez30樓健康比較重要 12/05 12:59