[外絮] 老巴共捐3百萬鎂給漸凍人研究跟兩所大學




Charles Barkley to donate $1 million each to ALS research in Alabama,
Bethune-Cookman and Jackson State
老巴各捐1百萬鎂給阿拉巴馬州漸凍人研究,以及Bethune-Cookman及Jackson State大學

Charles Barkley called with some news.

Barkley wanted to share his intention to donate $1 million each to ALS
research in Alabama in the name of former Auburn teammate Gary Godfrey, who
was diagnosed with the disease in January 2019; and two Historically Black
Colleges and Universities (HBCUs): Bethune-Cookman and Jackson State.
老巴捐了1百萬美金,以他前Auburn隊友Gary Godfrey的名義,給阿拉巴馬州ALS (肌
萎縮側索硬化症) 研究機構,他的隊友Gary Godfrey在2019一月被診斷罹患ALS。老巴
也各捐一百萬給了兩所歷史悠久的黑人大學:Bethune-Cookman跟Jackson State大學。

Barkley recognizes his blessings and wishes to share it.

“I’m just so lucky and blessed beyond anything I can imagine,” Barkley
said in the Thursday conversation. In October, the NBA Hall of Famer and TNT
commentator signed a staggering new 10-year contract with the network worth
of? “Rumor mill has it at two hundred million,” he said with a laugh. “I
can neither confirm nor deny. Man, I’m just lucky. I’ll leave it at that.”





※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1670569575.A.CF2.html
albert9701501樓推老巴善心善事 12/09 15:06
cor1os2樓老巴 簽新約了 財富自由了 12/09 15:07
x1239877893樓推善行 12/09 15:07
axi4樓作善事給推 12/09 15:07
gaiaesque5樓 12/09 15:08
Liszt10256樓一年兩千萬鎂真的比一堆現役球員還多 12/09 15:09
chinhan12167樓推 希望疾病都能治癒 12/09 15:10
allen121268樓推,老巴好人一生平安 12/09 15:11
BonDiGagaga9樓善事就是推 12/09 15:12
djviva10樓捐錢行善給推 12/09 15:12
cikanyuohai11樓善事推 老巴讚讚 12/09 15:13
joexnozomi12樓推 好人 12/09 15:15
ThisIsNotKFC13樓 12/09 15:15
NassirLittle14樓哎喲善心巴 讚讚 12/09 15:15
bemjamen12315樓推巴哥一生平安 12/09 15:16
YellowTiger16樓做善事給推 這應該不會觸發祝福吧 12/09 15:18
Bakushinchi17樓推! 12/09 15:18
reaman18樓推, 老巴一生平安, 上廁所都有衛生紙 12/09 15:18
Skyblueway19樓做好事要推 12/09 15:18
yayahappy9620樓 12/09 15:19
bader321樓 12/09 15:20
pzor22樓神秘的力量給推 12/09 15:20
andy101823樓 12/09 15:22
SP8824樓 12/09 15:22
benboy25樓推善事 12/09 15:23
houston17226樓 12/09 15:24
ToyzDerDog27樓做善事 推 12/09 15:24
Myosotis28樓好人 12/09 15:25
inuyaksa29樓 12/09 15:26
slimfat020230樓我還以為他在賭城把錢都輸光 12/09 15:26