[情報] Kidd:作戰要變 太陽禁區不是Gobert或白邊



來源: 小牛記者Doyle Rader推特
網址: https://twitter.com/TheKobeBeef/status/1520843739152924672

We have to adapt. Our game plan against Utah is not going to work against the
Suns. We've already changed that mindset because we're not playing the Jazz.
We understand their strength is the midrange, but the can hurt you with the
three in transition and they can hurt you in the paint with JaVale and Ayton.
This isn't Gobert or Whiteside. These guys can put the ball in the basket. So,
our bigs are going to be tested.



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1651463487.A.311.html
louisxxiii1樓狗被跟白邊都是傳統長人阿 被臭也是剛好而已 05/02 11:52
Tkuers2樓是不是有人在偷臭啊 05/02 11:52
love15002743樓偷臭? 05/02 11:52
pongbao4樓7748戰術準備好了 05/02 11:52
trylin5樓老實說我覺得防守端AYTON對小牛也比狗貝強 ... 05/02 11:53
trylin6樓他的運動能力在中鋒裡是頂尖的 05/02 11:53
copycat6037樓贏了就臭是不是 很會 05/02 11:53
hcl008樓Ayton對小牛來說比較難應付也是事實 05/02 11:54
skybin9樓ayton可以守到外圍,狗貝跟白邊只能守禁區 05/02 11:54
bengowa10樓狗貝去年至少還是DPOY 整個被看沒有XD 05/02 11:55
SlamKai11樓狗貝傳統禁區護框強 被拉出禁區就是被懲罰 05/02 11:55
seabox12樓Ayton就適合大小球的中鋒阿 攻防都可以 05/02 11:56
jtch13樓 05/02 11:56
snobbish14樓期待77這系列大突破 05/02 11:56
hijodedios3615樓ayton大概是獨行俠無法處理的點 05/02 11:57
jsliao978616樓Ayton進攻威脅的確不是可比的 05/02 11:57
kingianlin17樓狗貝說真的並不好用 05/02 11:57
john9101818樓有人在臭? 05/02 11:58
kingianlin19樓沒進攻威脅 還守不出去 05/02 11:58
kingianlin20樓正常大多球隊寧願塞防守差一點 但便宜的來用 05/02 11:58
hijodedios3621樓狗貝需要移動力強的鋒線掩護 但爵士呵呵 沒這種東 05/02 11:58
hijodedios3622樓西 05/02 11:58
AtDe23樓其實也沒甚麼臭,過了這麼多年狗貝的弱點大家都知道 05/02 11:59
f7792824樓假如狗貝跟白邊在太陽體系 威脅性也會大增吧 05/02 11:59
kingianlin25樓想想之前歐肥也沒嘴錯 05/02 11:59
jericho7926樓臭== 05/02 11:59
ginopun1047727樓有點直接 但確實 05/02 12:00
kingianlin28樓問題移動能力強的鋒線現在都不便宜啦只能自己養 05/02 12:00
earldunn29樓這道理,看進聯盟時選秀籤位就知道,Ayton可是狀元阿 05/02 12:00
kingianlin30樓他卡一個頂薪基本就卡死了 真的不值得 05/02 12:00