[外絮] 湖人要找一位能夠讓LBJ認可的成熟教練




The Los Angeles Lakers are looking for a new coach after firing Frank Vogel foll
owing their terrible 2021-22 season. However, don’t expect the LeBron James-led
Purple and Gold franchise to hire anyone any time soon.


According to NBA insider Marc Stein, the Lakers are searching for a coach who ca
n get James to “buy in,” which means the next LA coach needs to have that repu
tation and credentials of winning at the highest level. Of course looking for th
at “right coach” is easier said than done given how limited the options are.

根據NBA記者Marc Stein的說法,湖人正在尋找一個能讓LBJ“認可”的教練,這意味著下一

“The search for Vogel’s successor is widely expected to move slower than most
because the Lakers need to find an established coach who can win LeBron James’
buy-in,” Stein wrote. “The most capable coaches are obviously employed elsewhe
re already.”


It is still unknown who the Lakers plan to hire or if they have any preference.
But one thing is clear: LeBron James will have a major influence in making that
hiring decision.



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1651543212.A.51B.html
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