[外絮] McGee:太陽會奪冠,因為有我在




Veteran center JaVale McGee humbly believes that his addition to the Phoenix Sun
s roster is a sure sign that the team will win the 2022 NBA title.


The 34-year-old McGee was signed by the Suns during the offseason to provide vet
eran leadership off the bench and feels that he’s the missing piece the team ne


“They were the best team last year, they just lost in the Finals,” McGee said.
“They need one more piece and I’m that piece. I feel it, this that year.”

是那塊拼圖。我感覺到了,奪冠就在今年 。

In his 74 regular season games for the Suns this year, McGee actually started 17
contests. During his time on the court, he averaged 9.2 points and 6.7 rebounds
per game.


Those numbers don’t necessarily suggest any major impact that McGee has had on
the Suns’ fortunes. However, it’s his recent past as a part of three NBA champ
ionship teams that’s allowed him to gain stature as a valued player with plenty
of experience.


McGee’s championship pedigree began when he was on the roster of the Golden Sta
te Warriors when they won consecutive NBA titles in 2017 and 2018. After moving
on to play for the Los Angeles Lakers, McGee ended his second season with the te
am as part of the 2020 championship squad.


冠軍中鋒My boy!!!

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1651566565.A.D22.html
fatoil271樓看好勇士 05/03 16:29
b23059112樓確實 05/03 16:29
toolittle3樓冠軍中鋒 05/03 16:30
Larsie4樓這隻2K無敵好用 05/03 16:30
skybin5樓看好他破解勇士戰術 05/03 16:30
pp34356樓狂,真福將。 05/03 16:30
patrickc7樓My boy~!我開始相信你了 05/03 16:30
fidelity778樓三冠中鋒 05/03 16:31
kraftman9樓冠軍中鋒 05/03 16:31
Wishmaster10樓老巴: 不是司機的閉嘴 XD 05/03 16:31
purplebfly11樓這是CP3最接近總冠的一年,但是小心不要有人受傷了 05/03 16:32
nsman12樓原來才34歲 05/03 16:32
s1013080413樓3冠中鋒說話了 05/03 16:32
nick162814樓如果這話是咖哩說就是敗人品,但麥基說我覺得很有說 05/03 16:33
nick162815樓服力 05/03 16:33
interact16樓三冠中鋒,小犢瑟瑟發抖 05/03 16:33
ymsc3010217樓趕快用短約簽McCaw來幫忙加持 05/03 16:33
ginopun1047718樓太陽補麥基真的很棒 05/03 16:33
qwert6131019樓今年追平姆斯!超柯趕姆 05/03 16:34
tanga66620樓金塊沒贏冠軍啊????????? 05/03 16:34
scottham21樓冠軍中鋒 05/03 16:34
jalengreen22樓他是真的很好的球員 05/03 16:34
jalengreen23樓季後賽很需要這種能穩定軍心的 05/03 16:34
Aggro24樓三次冠軍無法反駁 希望你今年能拿第四座 05/03 16:35
Aggro25樓有他替補 今年替補C真的穩定很多 偶而還能用身材爆 05/03 16:35
Aggro26樓別家小禁區 05/03 16:36
vgil27樓3冠中鋒!!! 05/03 16:36
NOKIA888828樓確實 05/03 16:36
gackt77041429樓他四座 歐尼爾不知道會說啥 05/03 16:36
gackt77041430樓上對車 05/03 16:36