[情報] 勇士灰熊Game1是2011年後準決賽收視率最高



來源: SportsMediaWatch
網址: https://tinyurl.com/ntvvtjhh

Warriors-Grizz is most-watched semifinal opener since 2011

Two weeks after the most-watched first round Game 1 in 20 years, the NBA
delivered its most-watched semifinal Game 1 in 11.
在最近20年,兩個禮拜前的Game 1是最多人看的季後賽首輪,不過,NBA最近剛開打的準

Sunday’s Warriors-Grizzlies second round NBA playoff Game 1 averaged a 4.1
rating and 7.71 million viewers on ABC, marking the largest audience for a
semifinal opener since Celtics-Heat in 2011 (9.17M) and the highest rated and
most-watched NBA telecast outside of the Finals since Clippers-Lakers on
Christmas Day 2019 (4.6, 8.76M).
星期天開打的勇士灰熊季後賽第二輪Game 1創下收視率4.1,771萬收視人口,是在2011年
賽提-熱火季後賽第二輪Game 1(917萬人)後最高收視人口及收視率,也是在2019年快艇

Golden State’s narrow win delivered the largest NBA playoff audience outside
of the Finals since Game 4 of the 2019 Warriors-Blazers Western Conference
Finals (7.79M) and ABC’s largest playoff audience outside of the Finals
since Game 1 of the 2017 Warriors-Spurs Western Conference Finals (8.13M).
勇士險勝的這場比賽創下在2019年勇士-阿拓西決Game 4(779萬人)後,除了總冠賽,最
多人觀看的季後賽比賽,也是ABC轉播史上,自從2017年勇士馬刺西決賽Game 1(813萬)



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