[花邊] 嘴綠: 球迷趁人之危,我有權有錢比中指



嘴綠: 球迷趁人之危,我有權有錢比中指。



Draymond Green on his double bird to the crowd:
“If you're going to boo somebody who get elbowed in the eye, face running on
blood you should get flipped off. So I'll take the fine, I'll go do an
appearance and make up the money.

But, it felt really good to flip them off. You going to boo someone that get
elbowed in the eye with blood running down your face? I could have had a
concussion or anything. So if they going to be that nasty I can be nasty too

I'm assuming the cheers (after he flipped them off)as because they know
I'll get fined. Great. I make 25 million dollars a year, I should be just fine

Draymond Green解釋賽後為何對觀眾比中指: 如果你的眼睛被肘擊,臉上噴血時,球迷

可以很髒。我猜那些歡呼聲是他們知道我會被罰款。 好在,我一年賺2500萬,我應該沒


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1651654397.A.1A9.html
sikadear1樓推文小心 05/04 16:53
Chanlin012樓好啦 25000 05/04 16:53
karmel3樓有錢真好 05/04 16:54
k102asdf4樓有錢人的快樂 05/04 16:54
adway5樓報應 05/04 16:54
SeanR6樓Buy人品 05/04 16:54
Luvsic7樓花錢買快樂 05/04 16:55
MK478樓有錢真的可以為所欲為.gif 05/04 16:55
charlie019樓有權有錢XD 05/04 16:55
pokeo10樓you are the nastiest already 05/04 16:55
GoodGoodEat11樓就是這樣拜人品阿XDDD 還要別人當你乖寶寶 05/04 16:55
CMPunk12樓這倒是 阿銀感謝抖內 05/04 16:55
GoodGoodEat13樓不如學小蟲 做自己還比較爽 05/04 16:55
a5014214樓熊迷素質就是這樣 05/04 16:56
SCLPAL15樓凸綠凸 05/04 16:56
basala541716樓確實 05/04 16:56
Mooninbottle17樓不講武德 05/04 16:56
chengy18樓打起來 05/04 16:57
gatsbyhsu19樓有錢不怕罰 05/04 16:57
SC30mvp20樓阿銀:今天有夠舒服 05/04 16:58
shellback21樓阿銀成最大贏家 05/04 16:59
SuikaJasper22樓他說I should be just "fine"有沒有雙關的意思啊XD 05/04 16:59
akko7681523樓阿銀: 貪財 05/04 16:59
ARTORIA24樓加油 保持這樣 G3一定很精彩 嘻嘻 05/04 16:59
EEzionT25樓我一年賺2500萬講出來真的蠻霸氣的 05/04 16:59
a1014101326樓比中指25000 罵球迷25000 05/04 16:59
B990714327樓說自己髒給過 05/04 16:59
hunt556628樓那就讓我們看看g3勇士主場球迷的素質 05/04 17:00
malain29樓KD:看來你很懂喔 05/04 17:00
queen10000030樓2w5當停車費在繳的,沒在怕啦! 05/04 17:00