[外絮] Shaq表示英雄哥與77和吹羊同級別,老巴




Seeing such amazing performances from Tyler has mesmerized the NBA legend turned
analyst Shaquille O'Neal. Shaq is so impressed that he said that Herro is at th
e level of Luka and Trae. Upon hearing this claim from O'Neal, Charles Barkley p
rovided a counterpoint and the two analysts got into an argument.


Shaquille O'Neal: "Anybody who talks like that and then comes out and plays like
that, you gotta believe him. So he said, 'Look you guys are always marveling Tr
ae and marveling Luka, you need to marvel me.' And we all are marveling him righ
t now."


Charles Barkley: "First of all, the kid's a heck of player but he's not in the s
ame category as those guys."


Shaquille O'Neal: "Yes he is."


Charles Barkley: "It's a little bit different when you are coming off the bench,
number one. Playing against bench players instead of having to go out there and
lead a team every night. ... I think the kid's a heck of player but coming off
the bench, playing against bench guys is not the same as going out there every n
ight and having to get 25-30 points and lead your team."



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1651853061.A.4AF.html
dwiee1樓太吹了吧 防守的待遇不太一樣 05/07 00:05
cookiey2樓無聊咖 整天亂扯 騙流量 05/07 00:05
bonny1563樓第一 77跟吹羊不是一個級別的 05/07 00:05
bananagotban4樓換他上來先發幾十場不就知道了 05/07 00:06
SCMastoid5樓4ㄅ4在臭勇士替補老人? 05/07 00:06
kraftman6樓太吹了 05/07 00:06
NuRaymond7樓真的還差太多 05/07 00:06
cookiey8樓我說shaq 05/07 00:06
rb799樓英雄哥也很厲害 但是明顯不到能帶隊等級 05/07 00:06
tsai52910樓俠客真愛開玩笑 05/07 00:07
max5200111樓酸吹羊表現跟英雄一樣吧 打熱火真慘 05/07 00:07
EvansChang12樓把他丟爛隊 應該可以刷到 但帶隊成績就不知道了 05/07 00:09
spree113樓球隊3哥拿來跟1哥相提並論?? 05/07 00:09
NOKIA888814樓差太多 05/07 00:09
Aggro15樓英雄是不錯 但前兩個是扛著球隊體系走的等級耶 05/07 00:10
KillLakers16樓然後077 G3就打得像英雄一樣 大歐這洞挖很深 05/07 00:11
dustinhuang17樓歐肥就是整天嘩眾取寵 就像發廢文討噓的 05/07 00:11
nashno118樓吹楊季後賽什麼表現..刷分都刷不到 05/07 00:12
yangmin102819樓噓你結論 第一 吹楊=77 吹楊季後賽帶隊有過二輪過 05/07 00:12
yangmin102820樓 05/07 00:12
ginopun1047721樓shaq 整天講一堆543 05/07 00:12
dwiee22樓等英雄被2夾3夾還能高水準 再說吧 還有一段距離 05/07 00:12
nick162823樓英雄每年都在進步,而且他19歲就進,第一年就進總冠 05/07 00:12
nick162824樓而且表現不俗,代表心性堅韌,重點是他是13順位的SG 05/07 00:13
jyekid25樓鬼扯 跟吹楊差一個等級 吹楊跟77再一個等級 05/07 00:13
highwayshih26樓第六人跟球隊的絕對核心比...... 05/07 00:13
jyekid27樓讓英雄給公鹿隊或賽隊專門伺候看會怎麼樣 05/07 00:14
foolishbi28樓英雄哥如果能成長到當初馬刺鬼切的程度可能算吧 05/07 00:14
nick162829樓英雄不出意外至少能成長到明星等級,至於到77吹楊等 05/07 00:14
Aggro30樓你讓英雄被重點封鎖看看再來談 要黑吹陽也不是醬黑 05/07 00:14