[外絮] 老巴:鬍子已經走下坡,76人肯定會後悔




NBA legend Charles Barkley is not a big fan of the trade that brought James Hard
en to the Philadelphia 76ers, and for a few good reasons.


Speaking on SiriusXM NBA Radio, Barkley highlighted his belief that the Sixers a
cquired a declining Harden, which doesn’t bode well for their title aspirations
. The Beard just isn’t the same scorer he once was, and that concerns the hell
out of Barkley.

老巴在SiriusXM NBA電台上發表談話時強調了他的信念,即76人隊獲得了一個日漸衰退的鬍

“I just think he’s [James Harden] on a decline and, man, the Sixers they’re g
onna regret that trade,” Barkley said.


James Harden has been on the receiving end of the same criticisms for some time
now due to his rather poor stretch in the playoffs. In the absence of Joel Embii
d in their playoff series with the Miami Heat, he was expected to star for the S
ixers. Instead, it was Tyrese Maxey who carried the load, albeit to no avail.


He did have some sort of redemption in Game 3 to help the Sixers win, tallying 1
7 points, eight rebounds and six assists for a game-high +27 in the plus-minus b
ox score. However, he has to do better and be more consistent if he wants to era
se the doubts that he is old and declining.


It is not the first time Charles Barkley has criticized Harden, though. Earlier
in the playoffs, he expressed concerns over the veteran guard’s history of fail
ing in big moments, which is not a good thing in high-pressure situations like t
he playoffs.



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1652026407.A.4E6.html
sxzc1樓西門: 05/09 00:14
airplanes2樓鬍子要回春了 05/09 00:14
kraftman3樓鬍子回春 05/09 00:14
leoeeeaaa4樓準備30+了 05/09 00:14
s101460375樓鬍子感受到了神力 05/09 00:14
kai081306236樓準備60分大三元了? 05/09 00:14
ginopun104777樓Harden : Yes sir ! 05/09 00:15
loveless018樓開示了 05/09 00:15
MK479樓要起飛了? 05/09 00:16
Joyeeee10樓鬍子:謝謝你老巴 05/09 00:17
threerII11樓登登今日準備強勢起飛 05/09 00:18
ja129512樓明天準備夢回火箭鬍 血虐熱火 05/09 00:18
NOKIA888813樓鬍子起飛 05/09 00:19
Benoit14樓鬍子:我感覺到全都回來了 05/09 00:19
xjapan32915樓明天熱火準備被登登後徹步3分射歪頭 05/09 00:19
AlwaySmile16樓後悔三小 跟擺爛西門比怎樣都比較好 05/09 00:19
yuran17樓天亡我火 05/09 00:20
ginopun1047718樓 05/09 00:21
YouGot556619樓鬍子要罰20球了? 05/09 00:21
k38547691620樓可是西門留著也沒用啊 05/09 00:21
hawk92041221樓後悔上,好歹鬍子還可以上場 05/09 00:21
hawk92041222樓*後悔啥 05/09 00:21
knight71423樓鬍子好歹能上 西門留著過年喔 05/09 00:22
lokoo24樓熱火..... 05/09 00:23
duece092725樓夢回火箭鬍 明天吃30碗 05/09 00:24
trylin26樓鬍子就算斷一條腿也比西門強好嗎 05/09 00:24
zxf12327樓32算老將嗎? 我以為35+比較符合 05/09 00:24
roger262390028樓但是76也只是出了一個不上場的+兩個配菜而已欸 05/09 00:25
olin774529樓還好吧 西門約才剛簽超長的,交易最後悔的是丟了咖 05/09 00:25
olin774530樓哩弟 05/09 00:25