[外絮] 狄龍:要是能重來,我要選擇收手




Memphis Grizzlies swingman Dillon Brooks admits regret to his Flagrant 2 foul th
at led to the injury of Golden State Warriors guard Gary Payton II, noting that
he didn’t mean to hurt him.


Now ahead of their Game 4 with the Warriors, Brooks spoke for the first time sin
ce the incident and expressed his remorse.


“I didn’t mean for (the foul) to hurt someone. If I could take it back in the
moment I would,” Brooks said, per Chris Herrington of the Daily Memphian.


Dillon Brooks has been suspended one game for the ugly play, though he is now se
t to return on Monday in a bid to give the Grizzlies some boost.


As for the Warriors, Gary Payton II is expected to be out for at least three wee
ks due to the injury. He could return to the Dubs if the team reach the NBA Fina
ls, but that is still a big question mark given the rough road they are facing.



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1652143704.A.D69.html
yueshi1樓我要選李白 05/10 08:48
MK472樓幾百年前做的好壞 05/10 08:49
kraftman3樓我要選李白 05/10 08:49
genest6664樓要是能重來 我要選李白 05/10 08:49
rongleader5樓廢話 05/10 08:49
ga0236306樓還以為是聖保羅的一生之敵 05/10 08:49
Takasteric7樓他第一輪打灰狼的時候就夠髒了吧 05/10 08:49
lovecats59598樓樓下要選誰來肛自己 05/10 08:49
KobeNi9樓要是能重來,我要選吉巴 05/10 08:50
roger262390010樓標題很故意 語感很怪XD 05/10 08:50
saviornight11樓來不及了啦 05/10 08:50
chwdada12樓滷過可以 05/10 08:50
KobeNi13樓 05/10 08:50
NOKIA888814樓幾百年前做的好壞 05/10 08:50
lillardfor315樓因為這個play讓灰熊撿到一勝 05/10 08:50
ru070116樓終於有新歌了 05/10 08:50
ffbbhh17樓改出腳嗎 05/10 08:51
xjapan32918樓至少我還能寫寫詩來澎湃逗逗女孩 05/10 08:51
EEzionT19樓為什麼全世界的戀 我都濕一遍 05/10 08:51
ginopun1047720樓我要選李白 05/10 08:51
fish7181821樓等他手斷了再說 05/10 08:52
sasa78922樓我要選李白 05/10 08:52
nuturewind23樓還可以寫寫詩來澎湃,逗逗女孩兒 05/10 08:52
fishinthesky24樓我要選杜甫 05/10 08:52
HowieH25樓喝了一大碗米酒再離開 是為了模仿 05/10 08:52
md3q6e26樓想回到過去 試著讓故事 05/10 08:52
sky07065027樓這首大家都會唱吧 05/10 08:53
fishinthesky28樓這縮圖搞得好像他們分手 05/10 08:53
pigyang031329樓至少我還能寫寫詩來澎湃逗逗女孩 05/10 08:54
chujoym30樓手都斷了 05/10 08:54