[外絮] 醫療專家:普洱的手極不可能造成膝骨挫傷



Doctor: 'Highly unlikely' Poole play caused Ja's bone bruise


Dr. Nirav Pandya, an Associate Professor of UCSF Orthopedic Surgery and Direct
or of Sports Medicine at Benioff Children's Hospital, explained how it is "hig
hly unlikely" that Poole's hand could have caused such an injury:
加州大學舊金山分校骨科副教授兼Benioff兒童醫院運動醫學博士Nirav Pandya近日受訪

"A bone bruise is a traumatic injury to the bone in which the micro-structureo
f the bone is disrupted; many times which is accompanied by bleeding within th
e bone," Dr. Pandya told NBC Sports Bay Area.

"This usually occurs through three different mechanisms: direct high-energy im
pact to the bone (direct blow), impact/rotation of the bones when there is a l
igament injury, or repetitive injuries to the bone (i.e. constantly loading th
e bone).

"Obviously, without looking at the MRI, we can't 100 percent know for sure. Bu
t given this diagnosis, it is highly unlikely that Jordan Poole's grab of Ja's
knee could have caused significant damage to the bone through a direct blow.I
t would also take a significant amount of force for Jordan Poole to cause liga
ment damage to Ja's knee leading to a secondary bone bruise."



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1652237688.A.D9F.html
Osman55661樓還是受傷了 05/11 10:55
hopecity2樓吋勁? 05/11 10:55
ssshleo3樓實際上就是Ja的打法本來就比較傷身就是了 05/11 10:55
hjchang4樓加州大學舊金山分校 05/11 10:55
PantheraLeo5樓抓到 普洱偷練內功 05/11 10:55
lianhua6樓化骨綿掌 懂? 05/11 10:55
jickey7樓蛹黑:極不可能代表還是有可能! 05/11 10:55
ks52s5600w8樓練過鷹爪功也要跟你說嗎 05/11 10:56
OTAKUo9樓難道普爾練過九陰白骨爪還要告訴大家嗎 05/11 10:56
sikadear10樓看來美國醫生沒看過金庸小說喔! 05/11 10:56
ccccccccccc11樓那就是有可能!!! 05/11 10:56
pttmylove12樓好了啦 這個話題不用再討論了吧 05/11 10:56
a3664545613樓UCSF 05/11 10:56
woko14樓普爾極不可能練成化骨綿掌 05/11 10:57
md3q6e15樓就說是化骨綿掌了 05/11 10:57
bangch16樓這找路人來看結論都一樣 找醫學專家來背書大可不必 05/11 10:57
aa2982430617樓吃屎哥 也會九陰白骨爪 05/11 10:57
zxcv10018樓龍爪手 05/11 10:57
ghostxx19樓這手勁肯定是西域少林的大力金剛指 05/11 10:57
fragment00720樓加州的大學?為什麼不問問田納西州的大學? 05/11 10:57
nadleeh21樓武功高手 05/11 10:57
BruceChen22722樓不懂寸拳?? 05/11 10:58
md3q6e23樓但他說的三種情形 我覺得Ja都有欸 05/11 10:58
therika24樓這哪間野雞大學 05/11 10:58
k102asdf25樓我看你是不懂習武之人的強大 05/11 10:58
k3353626樓中立理性醫師 05/11 10:58
CMPunk27樓Poole學過化骨綿掌也要跟醫生報告嗎? 05/11 10:59
sky07065028樓好了啦 要幾篇? 你有灰熊教練懂嗎? 05/11 10:59
Texsogood29樓有鄉民懂膝蓋嗎? 抱歉真的有 05/11 10:59
Puye30樓專家只看到表面 內功方面沒有研究 05/11 10:59