[外絮] LA記者:禪師想要交易LBJ留下龜龜




Everyone knows by now that Phil Jackson has an influence within the Los Angeles
Lakers organization. He is even reportedly involved in the team’s coaching sear
ch. Now, the power he holds within the team could be a source of problem for LeB
ron James and the whole franchise.


According to Bill Plaschke of LA Times, he has heard whispers that Jackson wants
the Lakers to trade James and keep Russell Westbrook instead, as he is of the b
elief the team can make it work with the explosive guard.

根據洛杉磯時報的記者Bill Plaschke表示,他聽說禪師想要湖人交易LBJ,留下龜龜,因為

“I’ve heard that Phil would like LeBron traded. I’ve just heard that but I’v
e got nothing to back that up. No on-the-record stuff to back that up. I do know
that Phil would like to keep Westbrook and try to make that work with him,” Pl
aschke said during his latest appearance on the Doug Gottlieb radio show, per SB


Now as Plaschke noted, he has no substantial proof that the claim is true and he
’s just merely throwing out there what he has heard from his Lakers sources. Ho
wever, it is worth noting that the LA Times reporter is a veteran columnist and
well known in the Los Angeles area.


Put simply, Plaschke has credibility despite his lack of track record in droppin
g Wok-like bombs.


Interestingly, the report comes after the relationship between LeBron James and
Phil Jackson has been put into the spotlight. The two have a reported beef datin
g back to 2016, and James himself had been on the record saying he has no relati
onship with him or whatsoever.



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1652331816.A.11B.html
SlamKai1樓smart choice 05/12 13:04
hayabusa20042樓笑死 誰會留龜龜 05/12 13:04
XXXXXXXXXGAY3樓支持 05/12 13:04
kraftman4樓XDDD 05/12 13:04
hunt55665樓但我沒有任何證據和記錄可以證明這些說法 05/12 13:04
magamanzero6樓年輕 鐵人 這兩個屬性也不是不行 但早就撕破臉了 05/12 13:04
Leaflock7樓我龜是LA土生土長的英雄 真正適合我湖的球星 05/12 13:04
SlamKai8樓也不用留太久 這年走完就好 05/12 13:04
magamanzero9樓喔 年輕是相對LBJ來說XD 05/12 13:05
VL100310樓年輕(X) 健康(O),看看更年輕的 AD... 05/12 13:05
ocean081711樓合理吧,龜留著一年解套,姆斯還能換籤,賣龜要貼籤 05/12 13:05
circuswu12樓我要看到血流成河 05/12 13:05
cycy77148913樓富堡vs 禪師 05/12 13:05
slimak14樓這是政治盤算 不是戰績盤算。 05/12 13:06
BryantChan15樓正確的選擇,但不可能會做... 05/12 13:06
NOKIA888816樓支持 05/12 13:06
hunder3117樓支持 趁刷子高點賣出排毒 XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 05/12 13:06
foolishbi18樓假設為了未來 合理選擇 05/12 13:06
jtch19樓好笑嗎 05/12 13:06
SlamKai20樓珍妮幫 VS 富堡幫 05/12 13:06
ooxxman21樓把山羌交易換點東西,龜龜+AD度一年,再叫某人吹密 05/12 13:06
kerogunpla22樓龜龜洛城之子 05/12 13:06
gn0194854023樓到期約還行啦,換掉LBJ可以補強更多 05/12 13:06
basala541724樓聰明 05/12 13:06
MK4725樓不可能吧 賣掉lbj是要打啥? 05/12 13:06
gn0194854026樓畢竟LBJ明年就38了 05/12 13:06
blackman18027樓禪師真的睡覺就好別搞事了 05/12 13:06
victor2183528樓拜託你快賣 05/12 13:07
flicker3629樓這是清掃勢力吧 05/12 13:07
gn0194854030樓LBJ年齡真的太大,不如補新秀 05/12 13:07