[外絮] 咖哩發出警告:G6將展現真正實力




Stephen Curry and the Golden State Warriors have been heavily criticized for the
ir embarrassing performance on Wednesday night as the Memphis Grizzlies blew the
m out by 39 points in a truly lopsided Game 5 matchup. That’s now over and the
greatest shooter of all time has his sights set on Game 6 on Friday.


Curry has sent a stern warning to Ja Morant and the Grizzlies ahead of what they
expect to be a bounceback performance in Game 6 (h/t the Golden State Warriors
on Twitter):


“I feel like we have the right mindset, the right approach, all the tools we ne
ed to show who we really are in Game 6,” Curry stated. “That’s the test or th
e challenge — being able to show who we really are.”


Ja Morant isn’t even playing but he’s been heavily involved in all this. In Ga
me 5, Morant was caught mocking Curry as the Grizzlies destroyed their opponents
during the blowout game. Even the Grizzlies dance crew got in Steph’s face dur
ing the contest.


Curry is clearly taking all of this into account and he’s using it as motivatio
n ahead of Game 6. The Grizzlies better be careful as they may have just poked t
he bear with their antics here.



Whoop that trick

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1652432890.A.314.html
pneumo1樓Whoop that trick 05/13 17:08
laptic2樓恐怖勇? 05/13 17:08
bbaian3樓打爆他們 05/13 17:08
hippoleo4樓好了啦 05/13 17:09
Zante5樓靠腰,你不要再放話了可以嗎,每次你放話就輸 05/13 17:09
K0RVER6樓一定虐爆 已經虐爆 05/13 17:09
cor1os7樓G6佛祖已經不行了QQ 05/13 17:09
k3854769168樓先問問國王教練 05/13 17:09
kraftman9樓Whoop that trick 05/13 17:09
Zante10樓2016 G7 Curry,見證最強的我 05/13 17:09
love150027411樓FLAG 立起來 05/13 17:09
sept904812樓地獄之門即將開啟,黑熊注意來! 05/13 17:10
cor1os13樓最強的我→背傳金盃 05/13 17:10
prostitute14樓怕齁 無ja熊 05/13 17:10
joe52100315樓有好戲看了~~ 05/13 17:11
proman61416樓好了啦 只剩下一張嘴 05/13 17:11
NOKIA888817樓打爆他們 05/13 17:11
GOPOL18樓勇士第六場再輸 很危險阿...第七場又要回到灰熊主場 05/13 17:11
cor1os19樓阿克倫是有什麼詛咒嗎 兩個在這邊出生的都很糗 05/13 17:11
saTUnotSATO20樓KI:不會再投22中8了 (下一場投22中7) 05/13 17:11
mrif21樓突然覺得小犢打灰熊好像不錯 05/13 17:11
mike951222樓JA到底有什麼臉嘲笑Curry?他有上場嗎? 05/13 17:11
cor1os23樓牛熊火鹿 選我正解 05/13 17:11
holyseraph24樓Curry:打爆他們,這就是我們的計畫 05/13 17:11
grimnir15825樓不讓了 烙賽咖哩要來了 05/13 17:11
ksk051626樓打爆他們,咖哩說到做到 05/13 17:11
c33200827樓勇士已經金到連舞蹈團隊都不能嘲諷了喔?怕爆 05/13 17:12
MrShin28樓冠軍DNA還是亞軍DNA 就看這場了. 05/13 17:12
ru04d9329樓哈哈哈 咖哩真的很喜歡立flag 05/13 17:12
capcom30樓拜託,別再說了....低調拼晉級不好嗎? 05/13 17:13