[外絮] 鉛筆:若76人為了奪冠交易我也可以




Whatever the case, the All-Star center has begun to prepare his body and mind fo
r the long offseason ahead. That starts and ends with some tough personnel decis
ions. And Embiid doesn’t intend to have any input on what the front office does
this summer.


“If I was fully healthy, you don’t know what could have happened, but the fact
s are we lost,” Embiid said. “But as far as what we have to do, I’m not the G
M. I’m not the president. I don’t make those decisions. These guys are going t
o do what it takes to win the championship and if it means trading people, or si
gning new people, or trading me, uh, that’s what they are going to do and do wh
atever they believe is going to give them a shot of winning the championship. Bu
t my goal remains the same, it’s to win it all and every single season I feel l
ike I’ve gotten better and there is still another level I can reach.”


Embiid mentioned getting traded quite a few times during his post-game press con
ference on Thursday night. The Sixers star was making a larger point about being
a commodity that can be bought and sold. Contracts can be ripped up and organiz
ations can unapologetically move on.


“They can trade me anytime. Everything has a price,” Embiid said. “You never
know what can happen, I’m sure there are some Philly fans who want that to happ


The original question posed to Embiid was if he wanted more say in personnel dec
isions. He chose not to answer it while keeping a sheepish grin on his face.


“Like I said, I’m not the GM. They can trade me anytime,” Embiid said. “I do
n’t know. I got home two days ago and I got the best award I could get, it was
Most Valuable Father.”



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1652457650.A.E02.html
Belial19911樓開始了 05/14 00:01
aoe2aom2ted52樓??? 05/14 00:01
JimK05113樓走心了 05/14 00:01
uam4樓打不過就加入,去熱火吧 05/14 00:01
gn019141205樓我真的沒有很想要被交易,真的 05/14 00:02
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slamblock157樓吹密 05/14 00:02
SlamKai8樓正式宣告 過程結束了 05/14 00:02
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kaga199115樓大場面來了!!! 05/14 00:03
capirex16樓來湖人一起拚冠 05/14 00:03
mose5678917樓吹密 05/14 00:03
dwiee18樓你們可以交易我沒關係 那我吹密也ok8 05/14 00:03
NOKIA888819樓吹密 05/14 00:03
seeyou2420樓夏天專屬的吹密肥皂劇,今年輪到誰主演呢 05/14 00:03
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OSDim22樓熱火有機會嗎xD 05/14 00:03
max7842923樓我犢歡迎你! 05/14 00:03
swallowp124樓草莓就是在說這款 05/14 00:03
tsai52925樓拜託,快交易我 隨時都可以 05/14 00:03
dwiee26樓剛續約的第一年不能被交易吧 明年才有好戲看 05/14 00:04
xo4552778827樓今天受訪時提JB其實很怪 05/14 00:04
a9527a28樓阿爹:拜託不要亂說話 05/14 00:04
dotzai29樓來湖人吧 嘻嘻 05/14 00:04
Antares30樓吹咪 05/14 00:04