[情報] Jimmy Butler離開的過程&總結



Yaron Weitzman之前有出書整理過76人的內容

今天他把細節拉出來條列式的講 剛好來(?)翻譯 幫忙釐清一下整個經過


1. Since “why’d the Sixers let Jimmy Butler go?!” is a big topic today,
figured I’d do a thread on what I’ve put together from the past few years.
Some of this I’ve written before, some not. Figured would be helpful to put
it all in one place.

有鑑於為什麼76人讓Jimmy Butler離開了是一個熱門標題,我想我會替過去幾年的部分


2. First off, as Embiid basically said earlier this year: Simmons was not
happy being put off the ball during the 2019 playoffs against the Raptors.


3. Because of this, Sixers management was worried how Simmons would
handle/react to having Butler around and monopolizing crunch-time playmaking
duties for multiple years. Simmons never said "me or Butler." But Sixers were
worried that it could one day reach that point



4. In terms of Brett Brown: It’s true that he and Jimmy Butler did not get
along, but my understanding is that in the end Brown made it clear to the
front office that he'd be OK with bringing Butler back

Brett Brown方面,他確實跟Butler處不來,但我的理解是最後Brown講得很清楚他可以

5. That said, the front office recognized that if Butler was brought back, it
meant they’d probably have to get rid of Brown at some point in the middle
of the season.

(開除)Brett Brown

6. Al Horford is an important part of this convo. I know Butler called out
the Tobias Harris contract yesterday, but I think that’s unfair. It's really
Horford who the Sixers chose over Butler.


7. The Sixers believed Embiid would miss at least 20 games/season, meaning
they'd need a fill-in at center. And they felt Horford could do a good job
defending Giannis in the playoffs.


8. In terms of Embiid: he’s said multiple times that letting Butler go was a
mistake. But my understanding is that at the time he was not insisting the
team bring Butler back. This wasn’t an example of him demanding something
and the front office ignoring it.


9. One fun anecdote: upon being told by the Sixers that they didn’t want to
pay Butler, apparently Butler’s agent, Bernie Lee, went on a rant to Josh
Harris and told him he was making a huge mistake.

一個有趣的故事,當76人表明他們不想要付錢給Butler時,Butler的經紀人,Bernie Lee
對Josh Harris(76人老闆)大發雷霆表示他犯了一個巨大的錯誤

10. Lee told Harris he was breaking up a championship team, that he was
putting Simmons in a position to fail and that he’d end up having to trade
him and that he was wasting years of Embiid’s prime.







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candbilly15321樓選了西門、教練又是Brett Brown就真的無解了 05/14 01:15
TheoEpstein22樓Brett Brown的問題太大了 05/14 01:16
dwiee23樓所以是76根本就不想留吉巴啊 05/14 01:16
TheoEpstein24樓就是他把西門寵成巨嬰。 05/14 01:16
Belial199125樓經紀人:這些事情水很深,請買書觀看 05/14 01:16
沒啦 那是記者的書w
BrahmaBull3626樓鉛筆當初應該也覺得管理層必留吉巴才沒特別去要求吧 05/14 01:16
BrahmaBull3627樓他在暴龍系列賽跟可愛一直第四節互爆 正常管理層都 05/14 01:16
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dwiee29樓不是吉巴想走 76可以給他5年最多的合約 05/14 01:17
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