[外絮] 記者:籃網同意讓KI像LBJ一樣管理球隊




An anonymous source that is close to the situation recently told Steve Bulpett o
f heavy.com that Irving wanted to be the LeBron of the Nets. That is, he wanted
the same level of influence James has with the Los Angeles Lakers in terms of ro
ster decisions:

一位接近真實情況的匿名消息人士最近告訴Heavy的記者Steve Bulpett,KI想成為籃網的LB

“When Kyrie signed as a free agent, he basically said, ‘I’ll come and I’ll b
ring Kevin Durant,’” said the unnamed source. “And in return, the Nets agreed
that he could have a say in the roster decisions.


“It’s not uncommon at all for general managers to talk to their top players ab
out possible trades and free agents. That’s just smart. You’re paying your guy
big money, and you want him to be on board. Plus, your guy might have another v
iew of a situation or a player that you haven’t considered. But with Kyrie, the
y talked this out beforehand. He wanted a situation like LeBron has — or like h
e thinks LeBron has.”

記者:總經理們與他們的頂級球員談論潛在的交易和自由球員簽約的情況並不少見。 這是

If you’re the Nets and you have the opportunity to acquire both Kyrie Irving an
d Kevin Durant at the same time then it’s hard to say no. Apparently, Brooklyn
conceded to Kyrie’s request. Whether or not this was the right decision, howeve
r, remains to be seen.

出了讓步。 然而,這是否是正確的决定仍有待觀察。

[外絮] KI:我、KD、管理層一起管理球隊

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1652495099.A.642.html
y18965471樓好的不學學壞的 05/14 10:25
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joy2105feh9樓每個人開始當薩滿 05/14 10:26
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ParkShinHye11樓亂講 亂講 亂講 人家湖人說姆斯沒有管理球隊 05/14 10:27
kaga199112樓沒有管理啦 但是要讓他開心 05/14 10:27
NOKIA888813樓姆斯:我沒有 05/14 10:27
Smile91614樓好大的官威 05/14 10:27
airbase15樓難怪可以為所欲為 管理層連屁都不敢放一聲 05/14 10:27
k38547691616樓呵呵 讚喔 05/14 10:27
GioGiorvanna17樓升管理職欸 以後會規定大家都要齋戒嗎 05/14 10:27
ShowMeH18樓太哭了,擺明對著幹 05/14 10:27
miniUU19樓只好KD換姆斯了 05/14 10:28
zxc90638320樓這是指KI剛來時給的承諾吧 05/14 10:28
nik35123521樓LBJ: 我沒有管理球隊 05/14 10:28
IAMGRICE22樓OK啊,每個人都說自己想說的,也都聽自己想聽的XD 05/14 10:28
togmogo23樓一起過齋戒月?心靈課程 05/14 10:28
zxc90638324樓不是現在新給的 早就是這樣了 05/14 10:28
oneinoneout25樓另一邊瘋狂否認這邊居然拿來當談判條件 05/14 10:28
z78925226樓冷靜 籃網 05/14 10:28
ARCHER223427樓那掰了,他的場控能力比姆斯還差XD 05/14 10:28
SonoSion28樓沒救 05/14 10:29
f2231346729樓都不來上班的員工讓他當主管 05/14 10:29
TheoEpstein30樓LBJ:我沒有好嗎? 05/14 10:29