[外絮] KT:圍巾在灰狼扛太多重擔,導致打的很




Andrew Wiggins shined at the right time for the Warriors in their second-round s
eries against the Grizzlies, Tim Kawakami of The Athletic writes. Wiggins had a
respectable performance in Game 6, finishing with 18 points and 11 rebounds. He
also made some key shots down the stretch.

在與灰熊的第二輪系列賽裡。 Wiggins在第六場比賽中的表現的可圈可點,得到18分和11個
籃板。 他還在比賽中投進了一些關鍵球。

“I believed in him from the jump,” teammate Klay Thompson said of Wiggins. “W
hen he was with Minnesota, it was tough because to shoulder the load so much. No
w with us, he can kind of be himself and play to his strengths and he was huge f
or us tonight

KT:我從跳球開始就相信他。 當他在灰狼的時候,他的身上扛太多重擔了,所以他打得很
艱難。 現在和我們在一起,他能夠做他自己,發揮自己的優勢。 今晚他對我們來說很重要

Wiggins was named an All-Star this season for the first time in his career. He a
veraged 15.0 points, 7.0 rebounds and 1.3 blocks per game in the series against
Memphis, shooting 47%. Golden State will need his production when it plays Phoen
ix or Dallas in the Western Conference Finals next round.

Wiggins本賽季職業生涯首次入選全明星。 在對陣灰熊的系列賽中,他場均15.0分,7.0籃
板以及1.3個阻攻,命中率為47%。 在下一輪對陣太陽或獨行俠時,勇士隊會需要他的表現


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cm2236001樓公務員不及格差2分 05/15 18:31
conqueror5072樓扛米 05/15 18:31
s94151543樓當三四當家最舒適 05/15 18:32
ryanpiggy4樓幹嘛偷臭 05/15 18:32
Vhiilrvp5樓越來越喜歡他了 05/15 18:32
hayabusa20046樓抱我們大腿 才能解放 05/15 18:32
uyrmb477樓翻譯:責任越大 表現越爛 05/15 18:32
k3854769168樓軟糖說對了 05/15 18:33
Rover9樓我以為隊上核心就是要扛這麼多耶... 05/15 18:33
k38547691610樓看錯KT說對了 05/15 18:33
rokobomb0011樓17分 不能在多了 05/15 18:34
flicker3612樓就是老三心態 連老二都當不了 05/15 18:34
Galois12313樓NBA公務員 要做事可以但不要叫我扛 05/15 18:34
GioGiorvanna14樓我看他一直都恰如其份 艱難在哪? 05/15 18:36
trylin15樓不是阿 狀元本來就是選來扛重擔的阿XD 05/15 18:36
lianhua16樓就三四當家 勝負不用扛 但他今年季後賽超扛 05/15 18:36
teruhyde1217樓就老三或老四等級,不能要求更多 05/15 18:37
phoenix28618樓灰狼不像你勇可以豪華稅繳到爽 05/15 18:37
ciafbi00719樓不會看他領多少 05/15 18:38
Wi1lXD20樓拿多少錢做多少事 KT說這啥阿 05/15 18:38
sunnydragon721樓當個公務員就好 05/15 18:38
dog2963584122樓15分不及格 西冠讓你場均20分將功補過 05/15 18:39
amdvega23樓不用扛重擔的頂薪狀元 還有這麼好的事? 05/15 18:39
ken72033124樓今年好像在勇士很扛啊..說不扛的出來xD 05/15 18:39
callme7625樓有阿,不就哈登,鬍迷都說鉛筆該扛呵呵 05/15 18:40
lianhua26樓關鍵的時候認真幾分鐘就值了XD 05/15 18:40
dwiee27樓那是勇士夠有錢 可以花30m在四弟上 05/15 18:42
saisai3428樓公務員 05/15 18:42
a03450661829樓圍巾這個穩定感,例行賽看起來還好,但是季後賽好 05/15 18:42
a03450661830樓重要 05/15 18:42