[外絮] 老基談進西決:我從Vogel那學到很多



Jason Kidd on reaching Western Conference Finals: “Frank Vogel prepared me fo
r this”


The Mavericks are back to the Western Conference Finals for the first time sin
ce 2011 when they won the championship. This is the first time for Dallas head
coach Jason Kidd that he reached this stage as a head coach. The last and onl
y time that the Mavs won a title, he was the team’s point guard.

Following the Game 7 win against the Suns, he was asked what prepared him for
this achievement. “I guess assistant coach doesn’t count to be able to make
to the Western Conference Finals. But Frank Vogel is the easy answer. Frank Vo
gel prepared me for this,” Kidd said.
老基:我猜作為助理教練不能算,但Frank Vogel是個很簡單的答案,我從他那裡學到很

“And then also my early stops in Brooklyn and Milwaukee. Just understanding,
putting guys in a position to be successful and then also listening to your st
ar player if he wants to have fun, then let’s have fun.

“And accountability piece. Those are the words that we talked about this seas
on. We hold each other accountable. It’s those words that we came up with. An
d no one’s exempt from them.

“There’s a lot of things I’ve learned in the last couple of years about coa
ching. You have to have talent too to win. That’s what I have in Dallas.”



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calvin03191樓LBJ: 05/16 16:31
RadioMan2樓現在在臭誰 我已經分不出來了 05/16 16:31
f921743樓然後某隊讓vogel背鍋走人 05/16 16:31
hunt55664樓畢竟拿過冠 05/16 16:31
super0095樓484有人在 05/16 16:31
wii1286樓Hit Me 05/16 16:31
Gsun7樓反觀 05/16 16:31
kuloda8樓讓077 Have fun. 05/16 16:31
lp123gbaj9樓可是Vogel 被炒了欸^^ 05/16 16:31
j330700210樓我哥好歹也是冠軍教練xd 05/16 16:32
z2306154211樓誰在臭? 05/16 16:32
ken72033112樓我哥那學到了防守布陣..自己進攻應變是天生的 05/16 16:32
cor1os13樓姆咪:都是vogel不會變陣啦@#%$#@%@%%$%#$/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection 05/16 16:32
AtDe14樓國王不找我哥去,黃蜂知道該怎麽做了吧 05/16 16:32
Y199915樓所以另外一隊一定相約西冠對吧 05/16 16:32
Gsun16樓Kidd: Vogel要不要來我犢當助教? 05/16 16:32
z2306154217樓我哥防守很強齁 球員聽不聽話要不要練而已 05/16 16:32
cor1os18樓感謝基德為我哥平反QQ 05/16 16:32
kawazakiz219樓粗暴言論大可不必 05/16 16:33
jetloading0020樓Kidd確實從Vogel 那邊學很多防守配置 05/16 16:33
turnpoint21樓湖人連綠葉都先找牌子大的,小犢這票應該看不上眼 05/16 16:33
ken72033122樓我哥防守觀念布陣還有教育菜鳥防守是完全沒問題的 05/16 16:33
z2306154223樓季初小犢戰績爛 就是防守沒磨合好 05/16 16:33
kaede071124樓Vegol:看吧 是不是不是我的錯! 05/16 16:33
j330700225樓黃蜂找我哥應該能真的進季後賽了吧 05/16 16:34
ken72033126樓只是暫停之後的進攻戰術一直都是那樣,沒進攻助教 05/16 16:34
ken72033127樓會更明顯 05/16 16:34
magamanzero28樓我哥:感謝老基讚聲 05/16 16:34
z2306154229樓後面防守好 進攻有交易來丁丁 戰績一路好起來 05/16 16:34
ken72033130樓季後賽真的是拼防守的 05/16 16:35