[外絮] Mike Brown用一個詞描述勇士三人:Loyalty



來源: NBC Sports
網址: https://tinyurl.com/2p9ytbf5

Brown's one word to describe trio of Steph, Klay and Dray
Mike Brown用一個詞來描述勇士三人

There are quite a few words that you can use to describe the iconic Warriors
trio of Steph Curry, Klay Thompson and Draymond Green.

Assistant coach Mike Brown believes there is one that perfectly encapsulates
Golden State's homegrown trio.
助理教練Mike Brown認為有一個詞可以完美地形容這三個勇士自養的球員。

"It's extremely unique and I can sum it up in one word with these guys
comparative to most other trios in the NBA that had this much success," Brown
said Monday morning on 95.7 The Game's "The Morning Roast."

"The bottom line is 'loyalty.' These guys are loyal to each other, loyal to
the area, loyal to the organization. Because at any time they could have
left. Not only that, but at any time they could have bickered amongst one
another because this guy gets more [publicity] than the other guy or this guy
gets more money than the other guy."

Curry, Thompson and Green have now played together for 10 seasons, winning
three NBA championships in five straight Finals appearances from 2015-19. All
three of them also have personal trophy cases that could rival almost any
player in the game today.

They've done all that while maintaining a bond that is impenetrable.

"When you have a group of great individuals, eventually some crap leaks out
and that's not good," Brown added. "Usually, that leads to a little
finger-pointing and this and that. And you've never heard it one time, those
guys are extremely happy for the success of each other at all times. And it's
genuine. To be able to see that and be around it, in my opinion, has been a
fantastic learning experience and growing experience for me and obviously,
you couldn't ask for anything better when your three best players are of that



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