[外絮] 勇士記者分析:即使交易圍巾,下賽季仍




According to Connor Letourneau of the San Fransisco Chronicle, the Dubs are head
ed towards a summer of tough decisios, regardless of how this playoff run ends
for them:

根據舊金山紀事報的Connor Letourneau的說法,無論季後賽如何結束,勇士都將迎來一個

It’s highly unlikely that the Warriors bring back all those players next season
. Kevon Looney is expected to sign a multi-year deal with Golden State this summ
er worth roughly $6 million a year, and the Warriors want to sign Jordan Poole t
o an extension that could be around four years, $100 million.


Combine that with the fact that Draymond Green, Curry and Thompson are due to ea
rn a combined $122.7 million — $3.5 million over the total projected salary cap
— in 2023-24, and Golden State needs to be judicious with the rest of its rost
er decisions. As I’ve written before, the most logical way for the Warriors to
cut salary is to trade Wiggins before he hits unrestricted free agency in summer


But even if Golden State moves Wiggins shortly after this season, it could have
a tough time bringing back Otto Porter Jr. and Payton. Those two are expected to
command well more than minimum contracts in free agency this summer. And given
how much money the Warriors have tied up in their core, they might have issues s
pending so much on role players like Porter and Payton.



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1652922870.A.799.html
ps24688106291樓先打完季後賽再說吧 05/19 09:15
tcchen333992樓太早,打完再說 05/19 09:15
timgjh3樓OPJ跟GPII都值得中產,勇士應該很難留了 05/19 09:15
kraftman4樓太早 05/19 09:15
julian425樓想要氣氛勇士 05/19 09:16
pp34356樓本季拿冠再說下季 05/19 09:17
IngramBrando7樓比賽還在打記者就寫這 05/19 09:19
GoodGoodEat8樓拿冠就更難留吧 大家身價又會更漲 05/19 09:19
KKyosuke9樓勇士已經吃到一次薪水上限調整紅利,現在同時跑者4 05/19 09:21
KKyosuke10樓個頂薪或接近頂薪級的合約,沒辦法續約所有人才是正 05/19 09:21
NOKIA888811樓打完再說 05/19 09:21
KKyosuke12樓常的 05/19 09:21
korgh41313樓太早 05/19 09:21
SlamKai14樓老闆就算不怕豪華稅 總有硬上限在 05/19 09:21
RBC5432115樓本來就難啊 OPJ和GP2要兩個都留下很難 05/19 09:22
RBC5432116樓這兩位本來就今年賺到的 而且超級賺 05/19 09:23
Aggro17樓勇士本來就是靠老闆頂住開上限撐 已經多撐幾年了 05/19 09:24
Aggro18樓調整才是正常球隊的作法 這也沒啥好意外 05/19 09:24
ken72033119樓圍巾要說88了 05/19 09:25
sedellchan20樓太早個屁,跟還在打又沒關 05/19 09:25
HaHaPoint21樓趁今年拿個冠 後面就不容易惹 05/19 09:25
ken72033122樓薪資調整是正常勇士要繳的稅.. 05/19 09:26
bullfan23樓可以了啦 上次吃到紅利組了KD勇 KD走還換到圍巾 05/19 09:27
SC30mvp24樓交易個X 還想爭冠就留到變自由球員再說 05/19 09:27
imagine100225樓這個系列賽打完就結束啦,是該開始規劃了XD 05/19 09:29
cloki26樓今年算賺到吧,完全沒想過那麼快回到爭冠行列 05/19 09:29
leo567899227樓那幹嘛交易走圍巾 05/19 09:30
bengowa28樓勇士制服組這麼猛 應該可以想辦法操作 05/19 09:31
Amilous29樓普洱茶 05/19 09:31
ken72033130樓勇士不是在養兩隻球隊了應該不會繼續養了吧..除非. 05/19 09:32