[外絮] 嘴綠:我不懂為什麼有人說LBJ不是得分手,




"I think over 48 minutes from a possession to possession basis, I think Luka loo
ks to score a little bit more than LeBron has. Now in saying that, it just shows
you also how great LeBron is because here I am saying Luka looks to score a lit
tle bit more than LeBron and LeBron's some 1300 odd points away from passing Kar
eem-Abdul Jabbar for the all-time scoring leader."

嘴綠:我認為在每48分鐘的進攻回合裡,77看起來會比LBJ得分多一點。 我這麼說,也向你

"There's this notion of LeBron James is not a scorer. Let me clear this up right
now, I am not saying LeBron James is not a scorer, at all. The fact that people
are even willing to say that LeBron James is not a scorer baffles me."


"You get idiots that play the game of basketball, that's supposed to understand
basketball that'll say LeBron James in't a scorer. No he just does everything a
nd he scorers."



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1653132374.A.382.html
CMPunk1樓這不是他自己說的嗎 05/21 19:26
lemonchin2樓XDDD 05/21 19:27
stevenchou193樓他自己講的耶 05/21 19:28
scopeowl4樓又在偷臭... 05/21 19:28
mmmn523325樓這本來就是假議題 05/21 19:28
nick16286樓這是他自己說的... 05/21 19:28
kraftman7樓姆斯自己講的 05/21 19:28
whosu8樓偷臭LBJ 05/21 19:28
Chanlin019樓他自己講的啊 05/21 19:28
r78120710樓是他自己說的... 05/21 19:28
malain11樓喇叭:這我自己說的啦。。。 05/21 19:28
derekhsu12樓他在偷臭LBJ 05/21 19:29
roger262390013樓這是姆斯自己講的 05/21 19:29
SilenceWFL14樓又臭又捧 太混亂了吧XD 05/21 19:29
trylin15樓他自己在那邊假掰阿 05/21 19:29
shwkz16樓龜換嘴綠 湖人起飛 XD 05/21 19:30
blackxmas17樓"甚至有一些自己本身也有在打球的白痴" ??? 05/21 19:30
CLawrence18樓他自己有說沒錯 然後好像也有評論文章說過 05/21 19:30
jacky1990b19樓這到底是在臭還是在吹 05/21 19:30
brian04081820樓害我去查了一下誰先講的 這... 05/21 19:30
MSmax21樓LBJ:老兄 那是我自己講的拉 05/21 19:30
pfw22樓山羌: 05/21 19:30
rokobomb0023樓追殺名單+1 05/21 19:30
Barbarian12324樓姆斯自己說的 05/21 19:30
AOB12325樓 05/21 19:30
a2035126樓他自己講的不是 05/21 19:31
wwf158827樓下一篇 過氣的國王 05/21 19:31
tailsean28樓XDD到底誰講的,真的是齁 05/21 19:31
lolucky53129樓姆斯:哈哈4我啦 05/21 19:31
baobeising30樓LBJ他自己的意思是他不是像MJ KB這種任務就是得分 05/21 19:31