[外絮] Redick:50年的NBA球員大多是水電工或消




During a recent appearance on "First Take," recently retired NBA player J.J. Red
ick went back to that well during a debate on Chris Paul. When Chris "Mad Dog" R
usso said that the Phoenix Suns guard was "not Bob Cousy" when it came to the NB
A's great point guards, Reddick responded by stating that the Boston Celtics leg
end "was being guarded by plumbers and firemen" and played in an era where there
were "eight teams in the NBA and you had to win two playoff series".

最近在ESPN First Take節目上,JJ Redick進行了一個關於CP3的辯論。主持人Chris Russo
(綽號瘋狗)認為當人們討論NBA歷史上偉大的PG時,CP3不如Bob Cousy偉大。但JJ認為這位

註:Bob Cousy是塞爾提克傳奇控球,有1次MVP,6次總冠軍,跟指環王同期的球員。

Bob Cousy:"People with less talent will always try to make a name for themselve
s by criticizing other people, and hopefully getting some attention and perhaps
increasing their credibility. When you respond to something like this, you play
into their hands. I won't do that, but I will defend the firemen and the plumber
s that he referenced," Cousy said, referencing NBA legends like Bill Russell and
Wilt Chamberlain, the latter of whom he called the best small forward in NBA hi
story. "I guess he must have fought fires as well."

高齡93歲的Bob Cousy則回應:

他也提到了Wilt Chamberlain和Bill Russell,並說”我猜他可能也有在負責滅火”

Cousy went on to name many of his contemporaries -- Elgin Baylor, Oscar Robertso
n, Jerry West -- before finishing by turning Redick's argument back on him.

"We must have had the best firemen and plumbers on the planet at the time," he s
aid. "And I was very proud to play with all of them."

Bob Cousy也提到他當時的一些對手,如Elgin Baylor, Oscar Roberson, Jerry West等人

Bob Cousy:

再一次的貴古跟貴今派的對決,不過Bob Cousy意外被提到結果還被嘴XD,但他的回應蠻得

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1653203383.A.C7D.html
vladmir1樓看要討論絕對強度還是相對強度 05/22 15:15
kixer20052樓沒有50就沒有20 有球打就該致敬這些老前輩 05/22 15:15
jeffsu3樓最強的水電工還是水電工? 05/22 15:16
doooooooooog4樓這樣打球帶扳手也是合情合理 05/22 15:17
abcd5755樓現在都是演員跟拳擊手 05/22 15:18
lchun1236樓樓上說的有道理… 05/22 15:19
TheoEpstein7樓他們演技有辦法跟現在的球員比嗎? 05/22 15:20
jackie56788樓工地幫站出來 05/22 15:20
crusoe9樓現在也很多兼差物理治療師跟推拿師啊 05/22 15:21
pp343510樓先嘴的就輸了,cousy回應贏 05/22 15:21
foxlula11樓這回應夠大氣真是高下立判 05/22 15:22
PeterHenson12樓得體 05/22 15:23
tomlee113013樓幽默阿公好猛 05/22 15:24
peter21118314樓回的超得體阿 反觀歧視仔 05/22 15:24
KillLakers15樓今年聯盟盛大搞75球星 結果就被你得罪光了 XDDDD 05/22 15:25
seemoon200016樓語言水準差超多 05/22 15:26
feelingon17樓種族歧視仔的話,沒什麼參考價值 05/22 15:26
kevin7760518樓也是兼職豪車豪宅推銷員吧 05/22 15:26
seemoon200019樓話說現在還有應徵檢察官的球星呢 05/22 15:27
gn002852620樓歧視仔這樣最後只會嘴到自己這個世代而已 他很快就 05/22 15:27
gn002852621樓會被2020年出道的人嘴你那年代球員水準低落 不純 05/22 15:28
gn002852622樓尤其在這一兩年正在交棒的時候 更顯尷尬 05/22 15:30
LoMing102123樓笑死 50年後再來看有誰記得腫足騎士 生涯代表作”ch 05/22 15:30
LoMing102124樓ink”的咖 05/22 15:30
Flitz25樓93歲嘴起來也沒在客氣的,厲害 05/22 15:31
melzard26樓層次高下立判 05/22 15:31
rxvt27樓沒這些前輩,後輩就沒高薪可領,別太膨脹自己 05/22 15:31
love150027428樓除了是種族74還是個職業74 05/22 15:31
wayne021529樓哪個人不提去找Bob Cousy當例子XD,Redick該不會誤會 05/22 15:36
wayne021530樓自己從種族歧視仔的形象中被排除了吧! 05/22 15:36
主持人先cue的XD 吹Bob季後賽單場的助攻數29次