[外絮] LBJ透露婚禮上來了兩個厚臉皮冒名仔



LeBron James and Savannah’s Wedding Night Nearly Ruined by Two Intruders: “
Almost Smacked the Sh*t on the Ground”


LeBron James recently shared a remarkable anecdote from his wedding night
with Savannah, revealing how two uninvited guests almost disrupted their
celebration. The incident, recounted by LeBron on the Uninterrupted YouTube
channel podcast, sheds light on the unexpected challenges faced even during
moments of joy and celebration.


James revealed that two individuals managed to crash his wedding, but their
attempt at blending in backfired spectacularly. A celebrity friend of the
couple unknowingly exposed the imposters by being addressed by them with a
nickname no one inside their close circle uses.


Wedding Crashers Exposed by a Familiar Name


James, without revealing the friend’s name, described the situation: “We
had like, two wedding crashers that nobody knew. This is how they got sniffed
out. Had a celebrity friend walk by and they called them by their real name
that none of us call them.” He further explained, “You walk by and they’re
like, ‘What’s up, Paul?’ You’re like, ‘Who the heck is Paul?’ And so
you come to me like, ‘Aye LeBron, aye, do you know who this person is?‘”

近怎樣啊,Paul】,而他只會覺得【他媽的Paul是誰】? 所以他就跑來找LBJ問【Lebron

Realizing the situation, James’ security team approached the individuals and
questioned their affiliation. The imposters, attempting to bluff their way
out, claimed to be with a specific guest. However, to their dismay, the
celebrity promptly disavowed any connection, unequivocally denying
association with the intruders.


A Near Miss and a Hilarious Ending


In response to the alarming revelation, LeBron’s security team swiftly
approached the suspicious guests to ascertain their affiliation and purpose
at the wedding. The guests, caught off guard by the inquiry, attempted to
claim association with the not mentioned celebrity friend. However, to their
dismay, the celebrity promptly denied any connection, unequivocally denying
association with the intruders.

Reflecting on the audacity of the intruders, LeBron expressed his incredulity
at their brazen behavior, particularly their audacity in leaving with a plate
from the wedding reception. LeBron’s frustration with the situation was
palpable as he revealed, “I almost smacked that stuff on the ground.” The
intrusion, though ultimately resolved, left an indelible mark on what should
have been a joyous and memorable occasion for LeBron and Savannah


LeBron James’ revelation about the interference during his wedding night
underscores the unexpected challenges and vulnerabilities encountered even
during moments of personal celebration. The incident serves as a reminder of
the importance of vigilance and security, even in the most intimate settings.
Despite the disruption, LeBron’s swift action and decisive response ensured
the sanctity of the occasion remained intact, underscoring his commitment to
safeguarding the privacy and security of his family and loved ones.


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1709171415.A.B54.html
wwey2000j1樓這個不用召喚J尻吧? 02/29 09:50
Chang02122樓誇張 02/29 09:50
xkj223553樓這個好像很常看到,婚宴進去吃霸王餐的 02/29 09:52
capsspac4樓名字裡面有Paul的名人朋友 02/29 09:53
a5704050005樓就婚宴蟑螂 02/29 09:53
TracySA6樓帶個盤子生氣,果然客家 02/29 09:53
mumimumimumi7樓婚宴蟑螂 02/29 09:54
snowsummersp8樓那要叫Rich Paul甚麼? 02/29 09:55
leedonsee9樓就跟好朋友都叫綽號不會叫名字那樣吧 02/29 09:55
YOYOISGOOD10樓以為這種名人婚禮都會核對名單和管制入場 02/29 09:56
heyjude111811樓可能是黑人,來裝熟 02/29 09:56
YOYOISGOOD12樓CP3 02/29 09:56
yyes521013樓剛好LBJ也是校長,那幾個是不是當著他的面說要開發 02/29 09:56
yyes521014樓一款LBJ發電機造福社會 02/29 09:56
rothanlin15樓還好那兩個人沒出事...這樣誤闖LBJ的場合真的冒冷汗 02/29 09:58
sasa78916樓誤闖? 樓上到底在講三小 02/29 09:59
kyo9063717樓羅森林到底在供三小 02/29 10:00
Anakin18樓crash只是說沒有收到邀請就參加,不是故意搞破壞 02/29 10:00
TracySA19樓羅森林真的應該要被告 02/29 10:01
heybro20樓羅森林正常發揮中 02/29 10:02
sxzc21樓笑死 小丑 婚禮上有 推文也有 02/29 10:02
jason91115222樓怎麼有辦法這麼曲解 02/29 10:02
rick77042323樓有沒有一種可能 該慶幸的是現場人員沒有因為這兩個 02/29 10:02
johnbill24樓XDDDDDDDDDDD 02/29 10:02
rick77042325樓人受到任何傷害 02/29 10:02
nekoten26樓就婚宴蟑螂 02/29 10:02
ss55513627樓來搞破壞還要給你帶盤子喔?這樣跟客家有啥關係 02/29 10:02
JustWinslow28樓羅森林到底在幹嘛 ?知道自己在說什麼嗎 02/29 10:03
cor1os29樓婚宴蟑螂很奇怪嗎 02/29 10:03
jason91115230樓不要為了討厭而討厭欸有中文翻譯可以看的 02/29 10:03