[花邊] 嘴綠:Bronny 100%會成功




"Bronny 100% will be a successful player in the NBA. At worst, Bronny is an NB
A level defender that can knock a shot down ... Bronny got a really good shot.
Didn't shoot the ball all that great this year, but his mechanics are great,
he's always shot the ball great ... I also think it's a smart move for him to
go in this NBA Draft because this NBA Draft wil go down probably as one of the
worst in NBA history from a top talent standpoint. There's not even a consens
us No. 1 pick. I think it's a great decision and I definitely think Bronny wil
l be a successful NBA player."

Bronny 100%會成為NBA的成功球員,至少也會是個NBA級別的防守者,然後還有一手投籃

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1712812960.A.DE9.html
Chanlin011樓好了啦 你老闆就喇叭 04/11 13:23
jack340312樓富保幫相挺 04/11 13:23
k7989768693樓今年是不怎麼好啦XD 04/11 13:23
ahsoo4樓然後進聯盟被我修理 04/11 13:23
pneumo5樓同老闆幫吹也是應該的 04/11 13:23
shepherdd356樓嘴綠:痾…那個…嗯…就是….至少….他比我有錢 04/11 13:24
jackylin19997樓100%靠爸進nba ok懂了 04/11 13:24
kingianlin8樓被一個沒啥籃子的說不錯但今年不怎麼好堪憂 04/11 13:24
e8e889樓 04/11 13:24
gigiabc10樓你好 我爸是…… 04/11 13:25
hayabusa200411樓綠師傅認證的NBA級別防守 要不要順便拜師整骨 04/11 13:25
joejoe1475812樓先吹準沒錯 04/11 13:25
bangch13樓Bronny跟Edey誰會在聯盟待得比較久 04/11 13:25
LoKingSer14樓開吹! 04/11 13:25
ayubabbit15樓低標是回家繼承幾十億美金的nba球員 04/11 13:25
little8love16樓富堡幫吹喔 04/11 13:25
SilenceWFL17樓你好 我爸老詹 04/11 13:25
kingianlin18樓先吹一下再講 這種爛到炸的年 說不定還真的吹出一 04/11 13:26
kingianlin19樓片天 04/11 13:26
pieceofcake20樓 04/11 13:26
sw929421樓嘴綠也太會吹,連兒子也吹下去 04/11 13:26
wewaJamesla22樓加入富保羅,人都漂亮了,考試都100分 04/11 13:26
kingianlin23樓GM:我還真的就信了 04/11 13:26
s6644924樓嘴綠背書 04/11 13:26
sillyxsilly25樓腿詹老闆要生氣了,嘴綠竟然說今年是最爛一屆,連最 04/11 13:26
foxlula26樓有詹師傅+綠師傅的真傳 布郎尼的防守一定恐怖 04/11 13:26
sillyxsilly27樓爛一屆人家都不一定選布朗尼 04/11 13:26
cor1os28樓8分8籃板 母獅我老闆 04/11 13:27
kingianlin29樓他那意思就這屆選誰都可能錯啊 選布朗尼有防守 04/11 13:27
Y22530樓5884 04/11 13:27