[花邊] KI談落選美國隊




Team USA announced its basketball roster for the Olympics think a lot of us were
surprised you weren't on it. Did you want to play?


Yeah, I would have loved to um, but I think uh, I wish my brothers well, and I j
ust didn't fit into this team and I think the deliberation process was a tough 1
. Um, but again, I have nothing but respect for those guys over at usab. Um, You
know at this point in my career, I think my focus, uh should be on winning the
championship and you know in the summertime just going to support those guys whe
n I get a chance, um, but yeah, I grew up in a time too. I wanted to say this I
grew up in a time too where we actually had to try out for usab and we did meet
up as a group and as peers and there was a mutual respect that we earned from 1
another and trying out and then seeing what 5 mesh. Well, so I think obviously t
he timing is a little bit different. Um, But yeah, I kind of missed those days o
f just being able to get everybody together, um break bread and then competing a
gainst 1 another and then the deliberation process happens at the end of like th
e 4 days or 5 day process, even though people know who's going to be on the team
, you know what I'm saying? So I just I missed that fun part of it of just uh ge
tting together, but I wish my brother's well .




※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1713497969.A.158.html
ohmyya1樓還久的 遞補還有機會 04/19 11:41
hilemon2樓KI說話就是得體 04/19 11:41
leon82guy3樓學茂野參加靶子隊打爆正式隊伍啊 04/19 11:41
birdman56564樓得體 04/19 11:42
aa890285005樓ki有啥不合適的,再補ki這陣容堪稱完美 04/19 11:43
Gilbertsky6樓推KI 04/19 11:44
MFultz207樓哇靠,KI回答不錯耶 04/19 11:44
ARCHER22348樓他很適合啊,而且國際賽他很不會發作 04/19 11:44
holyseraph9樓美國隊後衛已經選五個了 太多了 04/19 11:44
ABiao022010樓得體 反觀 04/19 11:44
bingripplw11樓ki換哈利嗎 04/19 11:45
sustainer12312樓哈利不能動吧 你總要練一下新人 04/19 11:45
shino9599513樓最後名額就缺鋒線咩 可惜 04/19 11:46
ccccccccccc14樓得體 04/19 11:46
ooxxman15樓真的很可惜,可能不被選訓委員當作第一梯隊,等候補 04/19 11:46
jason91115216樓也是得選一些年輕人接班 04/19 11:46
joeduck17樓當美國隊最強訓練員 04/19 11:46
cowbaya18樓得體 04/19 11:46
airmike19樓他能力角色跟AE重疊 但是AE在上一隊有功又是年輕人 04/19 11:46
ksk051620樓拿過金牌了吧讓給史一控不為過 04/19 11:47
xo4552778821樓得體 04/19 11:47
feathery22樓真的可惜 本來蠻希望看KI老詹再同隊一次 04/19 11:48
ksk051623樓當年那個訓練賽過爆隊友的影片真帥 04/19 11:48
slluu224樓哎 無情得分機器 喇叭詹的大腿竟然不帶 04/19 11:48
madeathmao25樓薩滿得體 04/19 11:48
MushT26樓得體 04/19 11:49
k720200127樓AE哈利算重點培訓對象吧 04/19 11:49
love150027428樓反觀自認應該入選那位 學著點 04/19 11:49
04/19 11:50
l2l30樓還有機會 季後賽還很漫長 未必每個人都能保持健康 04/19 11:50