Re: [情報] GN耶穌 AMD 9000 品質問題延後上市




: 原本AMD預計7/31上市出貨給終端,但耶穌一直沒有收到測試樣品,壓縮他的測試時間。他
: 寫信去問AMD回說因為品質問題延後到8/15。
: AMD目前把所有已經出貨到渠道等待上市的9000系列通通回收再測試。包括中盤,retail, o
: em等等
: AMD給GN說法是有發現部分效能沒有達標,所以回收跑Pass/Fail,挑出不合標的再重新出貨
: 。
: AMD看I皇爆這麼大,不甘寂寞嗎?

9600x/9700x - 8/8 上市
9900x/9950x - 8/15 上市

AMD SVP and GM of Computing and Graphics, Jack Huynh
We appreciate the excitement around Ryzen 9000 series processors. During final checks, we found the initial production units that were shipped to our channel partners did not meet our full quality expectations. Out of an abundance of caution and to maintain the highest quality experiences for every Ryzen user, we are working with our channel partners to replace the initial production units with fresh units. As a result, there will be a short delay in retail availability. The Ryzen 7 9700X and Ryzen 5
9600X processors will now go on sale on August 8th, and the Ryzen 9 9950X and Ryzen 9 9900X processors will go on-sale on August 15th. Apologies for the delay. We pride ourselves in providing a high quality experience for every Ryzen user, and we look forward to our fans having a great experience with the new Ryzen 9000 series.


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sincere771樓就不要iA兩家一起出包 消費者只能哭哭 07/25 08:20
本人2樓就出廠即灰燼。我現在都建議限制power在 07/25 08:52
本人3樓230w左右。 07/25 08:54
ABA05254樓出包其次,不要出包死不承認不召回最噁 07/25 08:58
SHR45875樓上次AMD也有出包過,X3D電鼓包但有解決 07/25 09:03
SHR45876樓處理上我覺得也沒很完美,但還算能接受 07/25 09:04
SHR45877樓intel這次是真的完全沒辦法讓人接受 07/25 09:04
drummers8樓反觀 07/25 09:45
freezeraven9樓起碼人家肯處理,Intel給你拖了兩代 07/25 09:48
freezeraven10樓多的時間,人家花錢要測才肯正視問 07/25 09:48
freezeraven11樓題好太多了 07/25 09:48
jay92031412樓幹笑死 兩邊一起灰燼 07/25 10:18
CYL198313樓不然你要買哀...?對你還是會買 07/25 10:20
mtc556614樓我不會買,誰還在買? 07/25 10:38
kivan0015樓ES有bug也不是什麼新鮮事 07/25 10:41
mtc556616樓這時點早就不是ES了 至少都是QS了 07/25 10:44
kuninaka17樓INTEL是真的變灰燼了 07/25 10:53
lc8530118樓AI = A 家 I 家一起爆炸 07/25 11:00
canandmap19樓不然你要買apple? 07/25 11:38
labbat20樓八月上市跳票 07/25 11:42
leviva21樓apple唯一的缺點是貴 07/25 11:48
mrme94522樓貴不是Apple的缺點,是我的缺點 07/25 11:52
sdbb23樓99費城半導體 07/25 11:53
canandmap24樓但apple玩3A好像會水土不服@@? 07/25 12:01
mrme94525樓用蘋果就不用肖想玩遊戲了 07/25 12:06
canandmap26樓小遊戲至少能玩得起吧?以前flash那種的 07/25 12:15
ocean92070427樓我買蘋果筆電兩年多,GeForce now也 07/25 12:20
ocean92070428樓買了兩年多了,最近想要來組PC了 07/25 12:20
canandmap29樓樓上是想買桌電嗎?那建議可以另外發文 07/25 12:27
canandmap30樓詢問 07/25 12:28