[情報] G排新聞稿確定i皇11代 3月登場






Taipei, Taiwan, December 31, 2020 – GIGABYTE TECHNOLOGY Co. Ltd, a leading
manufacturer of motherboards, graphics cards, and hardware solutions, today
announced that all Z490 motherboards featuring PCIe 4.0 hardware design can
support the 11th Gen.
我大顯卡MB領導者G排12/31發表了新聞稿,所有的Z490皆支援11代的PCIE 4.0

Intel® Core™ processors perfectly by update to the latest F20 BIOS, and
provide the extreme bandwidth and performance for PCIe 4.0 graphics cards and
SSDs. With a snap update of the latest BIOS from GIGBAYTE’s official site,
users can enjoy the full pack of advantages and unlock the Resizable BAR
function on GIGABYTE Z490 and H470 motherboards.
只要更新到最新的F20 BIOS版就能支援PCIE 4.0,並解鎖Resizable BAR功能

The latest 11th Gen. Intel® Core™ processors will be launched on March
2021. The new processors keep the same architecture as the previous
generation but they enable the PCIe 4.0 support, which meets a range of needs
for users who expect broad bandwidth and super high transfer speed of PCIe
4.0 on the Intel platform.
最新的11代CPU會在3月發表,新的CPU雖然還是在14nm+++++++++++++++但支援了PCIE 4.0

For those who own one of the current generation motherboards, it would be a
great deal to enjoy the performance uplift on Z490 motherboards with PCIe 4.0
function and 11th Gen. Intel® Core™ processors support.
在用400系的朋朋們,盡情享受首先你要先換成11代之後才能體驗到的PCIE 4.0ㄅ^^

我猜CES會PPT發表 然後3月才是正式出貨


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PC_Shopping/M.1609932751.A.7E4.html
vwpassat1樓PCIe 4.0的頻寬會限制在只能容納捷安特通過嗎? 01/06 19:34
aegis432102樓i皇放下身段 01/06 19:36
ericinttu3樓樓下數得出來用了幾個+嘛 01/06 19:38
LastAttack4樓3個 14nm+++ 01/06 19:40
oo2830oo5樓intel新技術 在相同腳位做出新cpu 01/06 19:49
ex2502036樓i皇也許會慢出 但絕不缺貨 01/06 20:19
fucKMT55667樓PCIE4.0無用論... 01/06 20:29
ltytw8樓請問一下I皇被AMD這麼一逼 有縮短每代產品推出時 01/06 20:34
ltytw9樓間點的間格嗎? 01/06 20:34
yymeow10樓感覺算是有。六換七的時候可以說就是為換而換。 01/06 20:59
yymeow11樓七換八的時候很明顯有擠比較多出來。八代i3把七代 01/06 21:00
yymeow12樓i5打好玩的。然後八換九的時候就可以感覺到匆促成軍 01/06 21:01
yymeow13樓九代產品線真的可以說是比亂的。到十代勉強又恢復 01/06 21:02
yymeow14樓一點陣腳 01/06 21:02
aegis4321015樓八和九都是為了補漏洞才狂出,十就是為了ZEN2了 01/06 21:06
suitup16樓明年3月 5000系列都出來大半年了 01/06 22:19
yymeow17樓現在已經是2021年1月 01/06 23:11
dieterle18樓比較想看看500係的主板 01/06 23:30
wario201419樓AMD再缺貨限組裝試試看,等到三月怒換I皇 01/07 00:11
kuma66022420樓缺貨是蠻有可能繼續 因為看報導 01/07 07:59
kuma66022421樓家機大廠公開説找AMD喬多一點產能 01/07 07:59
kuma66022422樓你覺得蘇媽會先照顧PC還是家機大客戶 01/07 08:01
gameguy23樓AMD,YES 01/07 14:01
knight7272824樓14nm用那麼多代,是不怕滯銷喔... 01/07 17:46
ms054517325樓I皇現在做U很快的 有自己廠加上14nm技術爐火純青 01/07 22:19