[情報] AMD很高興幫助Intel和Nvidia啟用SAM



AMD is happy to help Intel and Nvidia enable Smart Access Memory


In context: Smart Access Memory, or SAM, is a software/hardware trick that
takes advantage of a PCI Express feature called Base Address Register. So
far, only AMD is using with their new Radeon RX 6000 GPUs to eek out a little
extra performance. It lets the CPU feed information directly into the entire
video memory buffer, instead of just a small portion of it. The result is
about a 5-10% performance improvement depending on the title, which isn't

前情提要: Smart Access Memory或SAM是一種軟體/硬體技巧,它利用了PCIE上的BAR設定。
到目前為止,只有AMD CPU與其新的Radeon RX 6000 GPU配合使用才能獲得一些額外的

When AMD announced Smart Access Memory on its latest GPUs, it sounded like
SAM required close cooperation between the CPU and GPU. Consequently, it was
launched as a new feature that only works when AMD RX 6000 GPUs are paired
with AMD Ryzen 5000 CPUs.

當AMD在其最新的GPU上發布Smart Access Memory時,聽起來好像SAM需要CPU和GPU之間的
密切合作。因此,它作為一項新功能,僅在將AMD RX 6000 GPU與AMD Ryzen 5000 CPU配對

Nvidia, however, believes that a form of SAM could be implemented
universally, as long as all manufacturers can agree on some standards since
it does rely on a PCI Express feature. PC World asked AMD's Scott Herkelman
if AMD think that's possible, and to what extent AMD would support
standardization. This an edited transcript of the interview:

因為它確實基於PCI Express功能。《 PC World》問AMD的斯科特·赫克爾
曼(Scott Herkelman),AMD是否認為這是可能的,以及AMD在多大程度上支持標準化。

Q: Will competitors need to push out BIOS updates for their whole ecosystem
of products?

A: I think you'll have to ask them. But I believe that they'll need to work
on their own drivers. Intel will have to work with their own motherboard
manufacturers, and work on their own chipsets. I think there's some work to
do for our competitors.

And, just to be clear, our Radeon group will work with Intel to get them
ready. And I know that our Ryzen group will work with Nvidia. There's already
conversations underway. If they're interested in enabling this feature on AMD
platforms, we're not going to stop them.

As a matter of fact, I hope they do. At the end of the day, the gamer wins,
and that's all that matters. We're just the company that could do it the
fastest because we're the only company in the world (finally) with enthusiast
GPUs and enthusiast CPUs.





The standardization of a SAM-like feature could have an impact on the way
games are developed. Although the feature doesn't require developer support,
some games utilize it much more effectively than others: at 1440p, Assassin's
Creed Valhalla sees a 14% improvement, but Shadow of the Tomb Raider only
sees a 6% improvement. If developers are willing, future titles could be
designed to utilize SAM to the greatest extent possible.

改善了14%,而《古墓奇兵:暗影(Shadow of the Tomb Raider)》

A + N或I + A是可以期待看到SAM

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PC_Shopping/M.1606198933.A.AF4.html
ericinttu1樓樓下Sam? 11/24 14:25
GYao2樓王者的從容 11/24 14:25
yymeow3樓地對空? 11/24 14:26
StarHero4樓SAM 小山姆~ 11/24 14:28
baka5樓引用某農場帳號的心得:打不贏就幫他們啟用 11/24 14:34
kimisawa6樓各youtuber準備測試測到崩潰..XD 11/24 14:34
deer13057樓這部我看過 他在星巴克工作 11/24 14:35
kuninaka8樓那ZEN 2 CPU可以支援嗎 11/24 14:38
wryyyyyyyy9樓孤單山姆 11/24 14:40
c23010樓我的X99準備好了 11/24 14:54
MK4711樓山姆叔叔 11/24 14:56
e216747112樓SAM 看一下你的手銬 11/24 15:02
daniowhat13樓翻譯:他們要用當然可以 只要付我授權金就好 11/24 15:16
KotoriCute14樓SAM又不是AMD獨家的技術 幹嘛付授權金? 11/24 15:18
NoobCV15樓NV本來就說自己有一樣的技術了 A趁現在先主張共享 11/24 15:25
NoobCV16樓既能做文章又能卡NV 11/24 15:25
AerobladeIII17樓AMD是希望Nv一起事半功倍,而不是各自閉門造車 11/24 16:07
friedpig18樓其實就是要BIOS OS都要弄 自己硬推到時候變成自己小 11/24 16:09
friedpig19樓圈圈反而沒用 畢竟是公開的東西 大家乖乖坐下來一 11/24 16:09
friedpig20樓起處理好最好 11/24 16:09
friedpig21樓NV現在要推就是去找Intel跟AMD處理好 AMD又不可能 11/24 16:12
AKSN7422樓NV在發表30系列提到的類似技術是直接從儲存媒體資料 11/24 16:13
friedpig23樓放棄支援NV 不快點拉成公開合作 變成到時候N可以 11/24 16:13
friedpig24樓I+N A+N A只能A+A 更弱勢 11/24 16:13
AKSN7425樓直接到顯卡的技術,不過後來也被說其實是M$的 11/24 16:13
AKSN7426樓DirectStorage 11/24 16:13
friedpig27樓其實根本而言就是 這東西根本就標準 本來就沒獨佔的 11/24 16:14
friedpig28樓可能性 11/24 16:14
charles0329229樓I can't carry it for you...but I can carry you!! 11/24 16:15
charles0329230樓! 11/24 16:15
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