[情報]Asus confirms AMD Ryzen 5000 support



Asus confirms AMD Ryzen 5000 support on X470, B450, B450 II



Now Asus has written to HEXUS to assert that the support person gave "false

information". To clarify, the Asus senior marketing team says that "Asus will

follow AMD's support plan to release a new BIOS on X470, B450 and B450 II

motherboards and all those available in the market at present will also be

compatible with that BIOS upgrade. Beta BIOS support, following AMD

guidelines and timelines means this will be ready to roll out around Jan

2021." Additionally, the newer B450 II motherboards feature USB Bios

Flashback so you’ll be able to get a new CPU and upgrade the BIOS straight

away without posting with a previous generation CPU.


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PC_Shopping/M.1602773559.A.E0F.html
i96022831樓B450 II甚麼時候出啦 10/15 22:53
fokchiwai1992樓C7H再戰十年! 10/15 22:56
ctes9400083樓打手又造謠 10/15 22:58
ctes9400084樓/bbs/PC_Shopping/M.1602604920.A.931.html 10/15 22:58
MoMovincent5樓你覺得打手造謠就去檢舉阿... 10/15 23:08
dreamgirl6樓X370? 10/15 23:09
i96022837樓X370 AMD都說不支援了 10/15 23:25
dickey28樓只好買降價的3900了 10/15 23:45
click22589樓原標不是Techpower 下的嗎 聯滄者也說放棄 10/16 00:10
click225810樓 10/16 00:11
robin8082911樓風向好亂 10/16 00:12
kevin85071712樓B450 ITX 不知道會不會上II版 10/16 00:13
doom313樓AMD給 ASUS就支援阿 10/16 01:15
JKGOOD14樓OP了 10/16 02:08
bahamult15樓板子賣了啊啊啊 10/16 07:05
jiss55516樓c7h的cp值又變更高了 10/16 09:43
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