[情報] 軟軟證實RX6000支援AV1硬解



Source: https://t.ly/KVzl
Yesterday Microsoft confirmed that the new Radeon RX 6000 Series GPUs from
AMD would support the all-new AV1 codec designed by Alliance for Open Media
(AOM). This marks the point where all three graphics manufacturers, AMD,
Nvidia, and Intel, support the encoder. Naturally, that should accelerate its
popularity and support and seemingly indicates that the rival H.266 spec
isn't receiving as much uptake. However, whether AMD's integrated graphics in
it's desktop and mobile APUs will get AV1 encode and decode capabilities
remains to be seen.

Regarding the encoder, AV1 is 50% more efficient than H.264 and 20% better
than VP9, which means AV1 video sizes are cut in half compared to H.264
encoding, but they still have the same level of quality. This is great news
as more people continue to shift away from smaller resolutions like 1080P and
upgrade to 4k and even 4k 60FPS, which can be expensive to store and stream
on slower internet connections.

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PC_Shopping/M.1602390037.A.63A.html
Windcws9Z1樓出了再叫我 10/11 12:24
y7moremore2樓還是看價格 10/11 12:24
WeAntiTVBS3樓出了叫我 10/11 12:47
birdy5904樓行動裝置和電視用的晶片支援才重要吧 10/11 13:01
kashima2285樓出了記得叫我 10/11 13:02
gameguy6樓FM先做回去再出來談 10/11 13:08
qweertyui8917樓是要賣多少 10/11 13:12
tony243348樓FM這種超小眾應用就洗洗睡吧ㄏㄏ 10/11 13:27
Kuge9樓電視都普遍補到120fps了還在抱著60fps的老古董www 10/11 13:55
SHR458710樓A卡串日常,每篇都有人吵FM,最好這些人都很常用FM 10/11 13:56
Makeinu11樓現在連低階CPU都能順跑SVP,就算有FM也不會想用 10/11 13:59
aaron555512樓砍fm就欠嘴啊ww 10/11 14:10
oijkue13樓畫面算法瑕疵那麼多的SVP還有人用得下去喔? 10/11 14:11
SHR458714樓主要是現在串流片源是主流,這些有DRM的東西很難去 10/11 14:31
SHR458715樓跑FM到底有多少人有心力去搞補幀我很懷疑 10/11 14:31
menchian16樓SVP要調教啦,預設參數效果比較沒那麼好 10/11 14:33
Feather02517樓只有這版的中度以上使用者才會在意FM,同上面說的, 10/11 14:38
Feather02518樓現在串流影音當道,就算有FM想開也開不了 10/11 14:38
verdandy19樓FM大眾對銷售有影響的話,AMD會想盡辦法留住 10/11 14:39
verdandy20樓事實上就是沒多少人用,可惜了 10/11 14:39
MK4721樓現在都看串流 連下都懶得下了= = 10/11 14:43
meipialoha22樓我都用fm下載來看啊 看過就回不去線上串流ㄌ 10/11 14:49
nextpage23樓事實就是特定應用太小眾,AMD也沒必要淌這渾水 10/11 14:49
appleonatree24樓現在都串流了哪有多少人用FM 會用FM不就台灣動漫宅 10/11 14:51
BDrip25樓原本也只支援PowerDVD 用BFRC代表大概是盜版 10/11 14:52
iceyang26樓別重上fm阿 保我vega最強補禎地位 不然搭那糞驅動 10/11 14:52
iceyang27樓俺都不知道這顯卡還能但麻 俺索性連硬解都丟給核顯 10/11 14:53
iceyang28樓已經幾個月沒看過藍頻啦 爽A 10/11 14:54
SHR458729樓下載下來的片源品質也不一定比串流好,真的在意畫 10/11 14:58
SHR458730樓質的一堆都直接看串流了還跟你載回來看。 10/11 14:58