Re: [討論] 跑鞋在長距離過程中衰退?


RUNREPEAT 12/3 正好發了這篇文章介紹了各種中底材質跟特性,

You may have heard from a friend that it's essential to let your shoes
recover. Well, it's just like that.

In this chart created by the American-based company Dow to showcase the
advantages of its EVA + OBC compound, various foams undergo static
compression at room temperature for 22 hours. Afterward, they’re set for
recovery during 24 hours. If a foam manages to return to its original shape
entirely, it will have a compression set of 0%—which doesn’t happen at all.

The results are truly astounding. Surprisingly, regular EVA foam outperforms
EVA + OBC in the 30-minute test, although it falls short in both variants
over 24 hours. However, when compared to a TPU foam—like Boost or PWRRUN—
the difference is absolutely astonishing.

To err on the side of caution, establish a rotation of 2 or 3 pairs of shoes
and wait at least 48 hours before using the same model again. And as happens
with you, the longer and faster you run, the more rest your shoes will need
to recover. By doing so, you'll not only enjoy better leg protection and
bounciness, but you'll also extend the lifespan of the shoe by allowing it to
fully recover between workouts.

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isohera1樓離題了,題目是跑多少會衰竭 12/04 23:04
isohera2樓你回答,跑完要換鞋讓鞋休息 12/04 23:04
tudnste3樓哪有離題,就是跑完會壓縮才要你換鞋,只是正確的數值沒 12/04 23:28
tudnste4樓人測。但可以確定的是跑完中厎確定會被壓縮不會恢復 12/04 23:28
Acoustics5樓我印象推文這篇有更相關 12/04 23:35
Acoustics7樓好幾個月前我推的文 仔細內容忘記了== 我每天看一篇論 12/04 23:43
Acoustics8樓文保持語感(我都用法文說話比較多) 12/04 23:43
Acoustics9樓大大這篇也有相關啊 12/04 23:45
Acoustics10樓 12/04 23:48
Acoustics11樓很新呢 12/04 23:48
Acoustics12樓文章裡面的metaspeed突然覺得好好看 12/04 23:54
bowenwin13樓這篇很好啊,跑多久衰退什麼的根本不重要,比賽鞋跟長距 12/05 01:03
bowenwin14樓離訓練鞋,一場比賽提供足夠的避震是絕對夠的 12/05 01:03
bowenwin15樓會覺得不夠是自己肌力的問題或選錯鞋 12/05 01:04
ksjr16樓可是換個方式想 選一雙衰退慢一點的鞋可以讓弱弱的腳腳稱更 12/05 01:51
ksjr17樓久阿 推文a大那篇用的是eva泡棉 而這篇剛好有比較各種不同泡 12/05 01:51
ksjr18樓綿的比較,雖然沒有完整的報告可以看不曉得測試方式是什麼 12/05 01:52
jj84091719樓推~ 12/05 02:03
ksjr20樓說完就找到了有兩篇 12/05 02:03
ksjr21樓一個dow在推銷自家產品的概念 12/05 02:04
jj84091722樓所以鞋子在跑步過程中衰退是真有其事 至少這篇文章的結 12/05 02:08
jj84091723樓論是支持這個論點的! 算是長了知識 12/05 02:08
jj84091724樓也好奇實驗測試的結果有沒有數據XD 12/05 02:08
ksjr25樓a大貼的那篇有阿 這是圖 12/05 02:31
wjack26樓長知識! 12/05 06:17
uei120127樓第一個推文的真的很重要,前一篇開頭推文這是肌力弱,商 12/05 06:36
uei120128樓人的陰謀,後面沒人敢說鞋子會越跑越硬,一開口就承認這 12/05 06:36
uei120129樓是自己肌力弱XD 12/05 06:36
locka30樓感謝分享~長知識~ 但樓上大大這樣說大可不必吧講的好像我在 12/05 08:43