[徵才] Kronos Research 徵 Senior Full-Stack




Kronos Research 麒點科技有限公司(統編:50787692)




Senior Software Engineer, Full-stack 資深全端工程師


Job Description

Trading Experience team in Kronos builds analytics and software applications
for internal users including researchers and risk professionals, to ensure
quality investment. Your work include but not limited to:

- Build real-time dashboarding systems that are built with Golang to help
risk analysts alerted of unexpected market changes.
- Build investment platforms to enable traders to focus on strategies without
worrying about underlying machines.

You should be energized by finding patterns amid chaos, acting on and
resolving issues quickly, and enjoy solving business problems through

As a full stack engineer in Trading Experience team, you own the end to end
cycle of all web services for the company. You interact with traders and risk
analysts to understand their needs. You prioritize the tasks to make the most
impactful features. You run the scrum process with other full stack engineers
to ensure high quality deliverables.


- Provide guidance on architecture and design, and define processes for
launching solutions and features
- Develop solutions that enable our research and trading team to deploy,
configure, and monitor our real-time trading strategies
- Drive the evolution of our investment platform to remove inefficiencies and
streamline workflow across teams
- Workload between frontend and backend is around 2:8


- Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or equivalent experience
- 2+ years of backend experience
- Experience in Java / Python / Golang / Node JS, data systems, and knowledge
of internet protocols such as HTTP, TLS
- Knowledge of browser UI development and in Javascript, HTML and CSS

Preferred Qualifications

- Experience working with modern, cloud-based infrastructure technologies
like Kubernetes Google Cloud/AWS/Azure, Cloud Functions/AWS Lambda, etc
- 1+ years of technical leadership experience
- Experience communicating technical concepts to non-technical audience


NT$ 1,500,000 ~ 6,000,000+ / year


8 * 5 = 40 hr / week


-每日免費午餐 - 精選優質店家,不用到外面人擠人
-每月體重加值 - 免費咖啡、牛奶、飲料、零食、新鮮水果任你吃
-每月歡樂慶生會 + Happy Hour - 各類有趣活動,有吃又有玩
-每週健康行程 - 羽球桌球籃球,不怕想打球沒人揪



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Soft_Job/M.1679735987.A.91D.html
s06yji31樓這薪資range差了4倍...,都是senior能差到這麼多? 03/25 17:43
hobnob2樓Senior本來就是每家公司都自己喊的,3年到10+ 都可以叫Sen 03/25 18:06
hobnob3樓ior,職稱都是虛名,有沒有符合公司需求才是重點,至少交 03/25 18:06
hobnob4樓易所產值夠高很肯給 03/25 18:06
forever197355樓同意樓上 03/25 18:29
OriginStar6樓看得到也要能吃到阿,達不到要求,再高薪資也拿不到 03/25 18:53
OriginStar7樓offer 03/25 18:54
spanner47158樓反正覺得自己是senior公司也肯給到6m,厲害就去挑戰 03/25 21:02
s06yji39樓這range大到沒什麼參考價值了... 03/25 21:33
OBTea10樓這家不是有人回報 9m+ ? 03/25 21:51
alihue11樓還好吧,谷歌 range 更大 03/25 22:32
kweisamx212樓好奇真的找得到6m實力的人跟1.5m的人會選誰 03/26 00:46
friends2913樓這家去年還前年也有年終大噴發過 03/26 05:53
goodga14樓Kronos 至少上限也給得出來,不要一直酸葡萄了 03/26 09:04
wei12f815815樓下限已經贏過很多公司的上限了XD 03/26 09:50
s06yji316樓蛤?這樣就酸葡萄喔?這薪資範圍大到有疑問很合理吧?說g 03/26 10:56
s06yji317樓oogle的range更大的要確定捏。 03/26 10:56
goodga18樓那是你對Kronos 不熟,先問自己有沒有那個實力才對吧 03/26 10:59
OBTea19樓Google 同一職級 range 沒有那麼大吧 03/26 11:39
OBTea20樓Kronos 這種公司就是看你可以幫公司賺到多少錢,不讓員工吃 03/26 11:40
OBTea21樓大鍋飯 03/26 11:40
final0122樓對阿,每間公司都有自己的方式,幹嘛嘴人家範圍大?? 03/26 12:04
s06yji323樓原來有疑問就是嘴喔。蒸蚌 03/26 12:09
s06yji324樓就是不熟才有疑問呀。我熟的話我問幹嘛...。有沒有實力也 03/26 12:10
s06yji325樓是公司說的算吧。 03/26 12:12
s06yji326樓Thanks OBTea 03/26 12:41
martin79021027樓純推 擴 03/26 13:21
xsdferty03528樓Woo質押仔推一個 03/26 13:32
IMBonjwa29樓聽說離職率很高? 03/26 17:47
MyNion30樓好好奇公司裡面運作的樣子><,高手的世界 03/26 18:18
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