[心得] 代發-Nogle面試非常失望



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Title: Very Disappointed with Nogle, Hermeneutic Interview Experience - Request

Dear Nogle, Hermeneutic’s HR:

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to express my deep disappointment and sadness with the recent interview experience I had with Nogle-Hermeneutic. Please allow me to elaborate on the situation with empathy and understanding for all parties involved.

First and foremost, I would like to apologize for having to write this email. My intention is to contribute positively to Nogle and Hermeneutic's continued growth and success. As an interviewee, I believe that being treated with respect is essential. Unfortunately, I felt severely disrespected during the process.

The interview timing coincided with the response deadline for another job opportunity, which I had communicated to HR representatives Alice and Amy multiple times. I asked if the deadline was too tight and whether I could be of any assistance. Since the interviews were conducted online, I hoped to visit the company in person to get a better understanding of the corporate culture. However, my experience with Amy during the onsite visit left me extremely upset. Amy requested that I stop reminding her
about the deadline and subsequently rejected my offer on the spot. I felt misunderstood and humiliated at that moment.

My concerns about the deadline stemmed from my worry that a delayed interview outcome might force me to decline Nogle's offer, which would be embarrassing for both me and the company. Additionally, the lack of a consistent point of contact throughout the multiple interview rounds led me to confirm and inquire about the interview process each time.

For the onsite interview, Amy contacted me directly via phone without providing any email or contact information. Alice was unaware of this arrangement, which left me waiting in the lobby for a long time. After spending 2-3 hours interviewing with various engineers and researchers, my offer was declined on the spot due to the misunderstanding with Amy. I am extremely disappointed and saddened by this outcome, considering the time and effort I invested, as well as the empathy I demonstrated in
considering the company's perspective.

I sincerely hope that my feedback will contribute to Nogle and Hermeneutic's continuous improvement. I wish your company all the best, and I appreciate your understanding and attention to this matter.

Kind regards.
Sent from JPTT on my iPhone

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Soft_Job/M.1683260575.A.B92.html
yamakazi1樓啊人家就拒絕你了,不曉得在堅持什麼? 05/05 13:32
loadingN2樓內心戲很多的朋友 公司根本不care 05/05 13:33
pedestrianA3樓這篇廢話太多 可以再精簡一點 05/05 14:35
KoreanFish4樓sponsored post? 05/05 14:35
tw115095樓我直接丟給ChatGPT整理重點,哈 05/05 14:48
hobnob6樓看了一段,覺得阿鬼你還是說中文吧 05/05 15:07
drajan7樓英文寫得很不錯 文法禮貌都到位 05/05 15:10
qk33808888樓TLDR Amy超雷 05/05 15:15
layman8869樓寫這些只會產出一張meme圖而已... 05/05 17:06
KanzakiHAria10樓推一個 05/05 18:25
justaID11樓8樓重點整理簡潔有力XD 05/05 18:44
how3001312樓目前只有單方面說法先不推噓 坐等Amy回覆 05/05 19:51
wsad5023213樓nobody care 05/05 20:17
laplacian14樓廢話一堆 05/06 02:54
zxcasdjason115樓amy bad 05/06 03:26
ripple012916樓看了這些推文勞權怎麼進步我就問-_- 05/06 03:49
snaketsai17樓推個,你還是去國外吧。強者的命運就是註定在外漂泊。 05/06 04:13
CoNsTaR18樓這根本直接中翻英好嗎,寫成這樣幹嘛不直接寫中文就好 05/06 06:25
JoSue19樓老實說看完這封信公司應該不會覺得有什麼要改進的吧,別間 05/06 07:09
JoSue20樓公司的deadline是乾我p事,而且比起外來的面試者來說公司應 05/06 07:09
JoSue21樓該更相信自己人Amy的眼光吧 05/06 07:09
bboman22樓寫一堆廢話... 05/06 11:06
nh60211as23樓WALL OF TEXT 05/06 17:37
wulouise24樓Sponsored by whom? 05/06 17:59
DrTech25樓你可以催,但誰規定HR一定要配合你的呢? 雙方是互相的。 05/07 01:48
moom5030226樓關勞權屁事… 05/07 02:09
RINPE27樓放心 人家根本不會開來看 05/07 08:35
NikonD528樓覺得寫得還行阿 一堆噓是怎樣 讓面試者在大廳等本來就 05/07 11:08
NikonD529樓雷到靠北 05/07 11:08
NikonD530樓應該說等很久雷到靠北 05/07 11:08
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