https://www.nintendo.co.jp/corporate/release/en/2024/240919.htmlSeptember 19, 2024
To Whom It May Concern
The Pokemon Company
Nintendo Co., Ltd.
Nintendo Co., Ltd. (HQ: Kyoto, Minami-ku, Japan; Representative Director and P
resident: Shuntaro Furukawa, “Nintendo” hereafter), together with The Pokemo
n Company, filed a patent infringement lawsuit in the Tokyo District Court aga
inst Pocketpair, Inc. (HQ: 2-10-2 Higashigotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, “Defen
dant” hereafter) on September 18, 2024.
This lawsuit seeks an injunction against infringement and compensation for dam
ages on the grounds that Palworld, a game developed and released by the Defend
ant, infringes multiple patent rights.
Nintendo will continue to take necessary actions against any infringement of i
ts intellectual property rights including the Nintendo brand itself, to protec
t the intellectual properties it has worked hard to establish over the years.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1726704348.A.52C.htmlbusters01樓這段時間應該都在蒐集證據 帕魯慘了 09/19 08:32
→ feedcat2樓下架的話已經買了還能玩嗎 09/19 08:38
→ yzelly3樓賣了2500萬套,看來老任要連本帶利討回了 09/19 08:39
→ ANiZan99914樓等大家玩夠了才告,佛心 09/19 08:39
CyBw5樓養肥再宰很正常吧 09/19 08:40
z39398896樓老實說玩法比較像ark,真的要告感覺有點難 09/19 08:40
palapeter7樓養肥了,不曉得求償多少,我記得帕魯也是日本公司應該 09/19 08:41
→ palapeter8樓逃不掉吧 09/19 08:41
joe1234569639樓欸 不要下架啊,我買很久了還沒開始玩耶 09/19 08:47
→ Korsechi10樓
09/19 08:51 iam071811樓要告絕對不是告玩法啦 你看以前魔獸怎樣告成功的 09/19 08:54
akles11112樓要告專利侵權,最和解就是買專利結束 09/19 08:56
→ cms638413樓都過去了才告 是能拿多少錢 09/19 08:58
→ cms638414樓*過氣 09/19 08:58
→ yzelly15樓上一個被告侵犯專利權的白貓好像賠了33億日幣 09/19 08:58
→ cms638416樓帕魯過氣的超快 09/19 08:59
→ Korsechi17樓這麼久才告應該是收集很多證據 猜是專利設計不是外觀 09/19 09:10
ps3018樓新聞稿有說是告專利了 09/19 09:13
→ peterisme1719樓過氣了才告,佛心 09/19 09:13
paul556620樓我還沒買,現在可以入手惹嗎 09/19 09:15
Kamikiri21樓玩法不是問題 而是有些怪獸明顯長得很像寶可夢…. 09/19 09:17
→ Kamikiri22樓尤其是電擊獸 太像了…. 09/19 09:17
→ Kamikiri23樓一直都以為會是告外觀 沒想到最後是告專利 09/19 09:18
→ palapalanhu24樓完了 09/19 09:21
aaronshell25樓用那麼少的成本吊打自家作品 面子掛不住 肯定惱羞 09/19 09:22
→ Justisaac26樓遊戲玩法哪有專利...... 09/19 09:25
→ Justisaac27樓我想應該是什麼特殊機制任天堂有申請專利 09/19 09:26
e1q3z9c728樓告的意義到底是啥???全世界只有他們能做生物收集??? 09/19 09:45
Yan23929樓大快人心,最好告到Steam下架無條件退款,玩家免費玩爽爽 09/19 09:50
→ Yan23930樓,任天堂賺飽飽,帕魯也安心的死去,皆大歡喜 09/19 09:50