Fw: [討論] 2077賣了1300萬套



作者: kylefan (柚子) 看板: C_Chat
標題: [討論] 2077賣了1300萬套
時間: Wed Dec 23 08:21:02 2020

根據CDPR ,2077各平台截至12/20止共售出了1300萬套,這數字已考量PS4和Xbox One經由

The Management Board of CD PROJEKT S.A. with a registered office in Warsaw (here
inafter referred to as “the Company”) hereby announces that, based on reports
obtained from digital distribution platforms and data collected from physical di
stributors, it estimates that by 20 December inclusive gamers have purchased ove
r 13 million copies of Cyberpunk 2077. This figure represents the estimated volu
me of retail sales across all hardware platforms (factoring in returns submitted
by retail clients in brick-and-mortar as well as digital storefronts), i.e. the
“sell-through” figure, less all refund requests e-mailed directly to the Comp
any by the publication date of this report in the framework of the “Help Me Ref
und” campaign.


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1608683050.A.613.html
black58gigi1樓賺爛了 賺爛了 12/23 08:21
amsmsk2樓以後遊戲要先做預告了 12/23 08:22
M4Tank3樓10/10:300萬>1300萬 12/23 08:22
kenkenken314樓信仰無敵,相信CDPR,神神神神神神神神神作 12/23 08:22
kenkenken315樓銷量都出來了,銷量粉我就閉嘴不罵開捧囉 12/23 08:23
Y19996樓10/10:三天400萬,半個月就超過了 12/23 08:23
IceCode7樓其實真的蠻好玩的(PC玩家視角 12/23 08:23
kenkenken318樓這銷量太神了,我就是社會魯蛇才會覺得CDPR做錯了什麼 12/23 08:25
wolver9樓扣完那些要退的 還有1300萬! 12/23 08:30
strray10樓阿就好玩啊 12/23 08:31
e04su3no11樓看看巫師累計多少功德值 12/23 08:33
ms07b312樓完全沒BUG還是一樣糞啊(我玩pc的 特效+光追全開 12/23 08:37
ms07b313樓遊戲細節沒一個能打的 比GTA3還不如 12/23 08:38
alanjiang14樓那就回頭玩GTA3好了wwwww 12/23 08:38
Hateson15樓GTA3 XDDDDDDDD 12/23 08:42
vivalavida0716樓巫師3功德無量 12/23 08:42
chichung17樓加入基哥行銷大成功 12/23 08:45
shortimex18樓下一款沒這麼好賣了 12/23 08:45
alanjiang19樓GTA3現在冬特113元而已,大家沒玩過的(?)趕快買來玩 12/23 08:46
ae689272320樓景物畫面根本超強化fallout 4,但是bug比f4還慘 12/23 08:46
badend876921樓薛翻了 遊戲不用做好都能大賣 12/23 08:48
ms07b322樓我說的不是畫面喔 別誤會 12/23 08:50
jackyown23樓覺得好玩的可能沒玩過遊戲 12/23 08:51
ailio24樓跟GTA比我覺得應該是玩錯遊戲了,GTA引擎超強但是根本沒RPG 12/23 08:55
ailio25樓感阿,或許2077當初的野望是能把開放世界做得像GTA一樣猛 12/23 08:55
ailio26樓但本質體驗上,還是不同遊戲啊 XD,RDR2劇情超強,但跟上古 12/23 08:56
ailio27樓或是FO4的遊戲體驗根本就還是兩回事 12/23 08:56
jose77728樓看了Far cry5跟2077的物理引擎比較後,完全不會想買2077耶 12/23 08:58
alanjiang29樓那就等FC6啊,會有人因為喜歡FarCry跑來買2077嗎wwwww 12/23 09:01
ailio30樓FarCry其實回頭玩三代會發現... 引擎根本沒啥進步 XD,三代 12/23 09:04