[新聞] Cathie Wood-Led Ark Invest Dumps $4.3M



Cathie Wood-Led Ark Invest Dumps $4.3M Worth Of Nvidia Shares Amid Rebound —
Swoops Into Buy Stock Of This Netflix Rival


發布時間: Jun. 25, 2024, 10:27 PM

記者署名:Shivdeep Dhaliwal


On Tuesday, June 25, 2024, Cathie Wood-led Ark Invest made significant trades
in NVIDIA Corp (NASDAQ:NVDA) and Roku Inc (NASDAQ:ROKU), amidst considerable
market volatility. These trades were part of a series of transactions carried
out by Ark’s various ETFs.

The NVIDIA Trade

The firm’s ARK Autonomous Technology & Robotics ETF (BATS:ARKQ) sold 33,834
NVIDIA shares on Tuesday. The transaction was valued at $4.3 million. On the
day, Nvidia shares closed 6.8% higher at $126.09.

This move comes in the wake of a significant market cap loss for the tech
giant, which saw a $550 billion drop since Thursday. Despite this, NVIDIA
managed to rebound by over 6% on Tuesday, regaining its position as the third
most valuable corporation, behind Microsoft Corporation and Apple Inc.

Concerns about NVIDIA’s influence on the S&P 500 Index have been raised,
with some analysts warning of a potential broader market slump if the company
experiences a significant sell-off. Despite these concerns, NVIDIA’s
fundamentals remain strong, with first-quarter 2024 earnings exceeding Wall
Street's expectations, driven by strong performance in its data center and
automotive segments.

The Roku Trade

ARK Innovation ETF (NYSE:ARKK) and ARK Next Generation Internet ETF
(NYSE:ARKW) funds bought 96,465 Roku shares on Tuesday in a transaction
valued at $5.3 million. Roku shares closed 0.35% higher at $54.64 in the
regular session on Tuesday.

This move comes amidst a turbulent market for Roku, with its stock caught in
a fierce bull-bear debate recently. Despite competitive threats, bullish
investors are enthusiastic about Roku's revenue potential from several fronts.

The Netflix-rival recently unveiled Roku Exchange, an advertising technology
solution designed to bridge ad inventory with advertiser demand directly.
This platform represents a significant advancement in streaming-first
advertising technology, further solidifying Roku’s position in the market.

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Other Key Trades:

Ark Invest’s ARKG fund sold a significant number of shares in Ginkgo
Bioworks Holdings Inc (NASDAQ:DNA). ARKG also bought shares in Arcturus
Therapeutics Holdings Inc (NASDAQ:ARCT) and 10X Genomics Inc (NASDAQ:TXG).
ARKK sold shares in Zoom Video Communications Inc (NASDAQ:ZM) and bought
shares in PagerDuty Inc (NYSE:PD). ARKQ bought shares in Blade Air Mobility
Inc (NASDAQ:BLDE) and Markforged Holding Corp (NASDAQ:MKFG).
Read Next: ‘Stock Market Has A Bad Breadth Problem Again,’ Veteran Wall
Street Investor Warns

This story was generated using Benzinga Neuro and edited by Shivdeep Dhaliwal


簡言之木頭姊旗下的投資公司於昨天週二出售了 33,834 股 NVIDIA 股票。該
交易價值 430 萬美元。"當日,英偉達股價收漲6.8%,至 126.09 美元。"

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1719381648.A.D3F.html
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