[新聞] Pelosi 買了輝達股權跟博通看漲期權



原文標題:Nancy Pelosi discloses buys of Nvidia, Broadcom



記者署名:Chris Ciaccia


A new congressional trading form filed by Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi
disclosed that she bought positions in two semiconductor giants last month,
while changing her positions in Tesla (TSLA) and Visa (V).

According to the form, the Congresswoman representing the 11th district in
California purchased stakes in Nvidia (NASDAQ:NVDA) and Broadcom
(NASDAQ:AVGO). She bought 10,000 shares of Nvidia, worth between $1M and $5M,
while she disclosed buying 20 call options with an $800 strike price on
Broadcom and an expiration date of June 20, 2025. The value of the stake is
between $1M and $5M, according to the form.

Nvidia and Broadcom have gained 154% and 52% year-to-date, respectively,
largely due to the artificial intelligence spending boom.

The form also showed the 84-year-old Congresswoman sold 2,500 shares of
Tesla, worth between $250,001 and $500,000. She also sold 2,000 shares of
Visa, worth between $500,001 and $1M.

Tesla shares soared on Wednesday on the back of better-than-expected delivers
for the second quarter.
The notification date for the transactions took place between June 24 and
July 1.

Dear readers: We recognize that politics often intersects with the financial
news of the day, so we invite you to click here to join the separate
political discussion.


真 女股神 在6月-7月間


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1720014001.A.389.html
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