[新聞] Donald Trump rushed offstage after sou



原文標題:Donald Trump rushed offstage after sound of gunfire at
campaign rally



記者署名:Steff Chávez


Donald Trump was rushed offstage by the United States Secret Service
during a rally in the swing state of Pennsylvania after what sounded like
gunfire was heard from the crowd.

The presumptive Republican nominee for president sank to the ground after the
noises were heard and was escorted to his motorcade by armed agents with
blood visible on his right ear and streaking his cheek.

Trump pumped his fist before being put into a vehicle. It was unclear where
he was taken.

Steven Cheung, communications director for the Trump campaign, said: Trump
was “fine” and “being checked out a local medical facility.”

“President Trump thanks law enforcement and first responders for their quick
action during this heinous act,” Cheung added.

A spokesperson for the Secret Service, which is responsible for protecting
current and former presidents, did not immediately respond to a request for

The incident happened just minutes after the former president began speaking
at a rally of supporters in Butler, Pennsylvania, a rural town in the
north-west corner of the state. Trump rallies are usually subject to
airport-style security, run by the Secret Service in conjunction with local

The White House said US President Joe Biden, who is currently in Rehoboth
Beach, Delaware, had received an “initial briefing” on the incident.

A White House spokesperson did not immediately respond to a request for
further comment.

The incident happened just days before the start of the Republican National
Convention, when Trump is set to formally accept his party’s nomination for

Mike Johnson, Speaker of the US House, said on X that he was “praying for
President Trump”. Others including Trump’s former vice-president Mike Pence
and Mike Pompeo, a former Secretary of State, expressed similar sentiments.
Elon Musk, owner of X, Tesla and SpaceX, said he “fully” endorsed Trump and
that he hoped for a “full recovery”.

This is a developing story





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herculus65021樓這現在很難判斷,要看晚點怎麼發酵,有可能喪事喜辦 07/14 07:09
qw59801622樓沒死就是嘎爆空軍 07/14 07:13
davidex3樓是擦到臉嗎?? 07/14 07:25
rokman144樓週末鬼故事 漲還是是崩? 07/14 07:25
panda8165樓沒差吧 又不是死了 07/14 07:25
nata126樓重金投資美國跟石油業 拜登應該結束了 07/14 07:28
fajita7樓本來想說週末換拜,沒想到變週末滅川,有夠狠 07/14 07:31
LMgogo8樓沒死應該沒事 07/14 07:34
hensel9樓要稍微管制一下槍枝沒 07/14 07:36
TCPai10樓今天股市沒開欸 07/14 07:38
zxcvb123452211樓差幾公分就掛了,川普神運 07/14 07:43
seemoon200012樓靠北 這還真的是黑天鵝 07/14 07:45
takasaki13樓阿扁也沒死,但那次一天10% 呵呵 07/14 07:46
a10925040514樓這已經不只是鬼故事… 07/14 07:47
beast2021315樓過去歷史,如果這種事件下跌,都是絕佳買點 07/14 07:49
LMgogo16樓啊扁沒死 啊扁是裝喔 就不要窩川下午出來開嘲諷 07/14 07:50
lawyer9417樓阿扁那次是漲還跌? 07/14 07:51
LMgogo18樓阿扁爆跌啊 因為裝可憐裝到選舉當天 07/14 07:52
nin114519樓完了 07/14 07:53
LMgogo20樓然後選應又被圍起來 07/14 07:53
LMgogo21樓zzz 07/14 07:53
asdzxc00122樓聯盛聞:幹勒 學我? 07/14 07:53
tamama00023樓American great again ,Taiwan 鬼 again . 07/14 07:54
DAEVA24樓還好沒死 不然真的大爆殺 07/14 07:54
tamama00025樓抄底正二仔記得來喔 07/14 07:55
breez26樓台灣領先業界20年! 07/14 07:55
a1313200627樓阿扁:???這招我知道 07/14 07:55
jjjjjjs28樓拜登贏了 07/14 07:56
vltw5v29樓小傷 川普穩了 07/14 07:57
amig012330樓震盪應該在所難免 07/14 07:58
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