[新聞] 佩洛西於 7 月 26 日購買10,000 股NVDA



南希·佩洛西 (Nancy Pelosi) 於 7 月 26 日購買了 10,000 股 Nvidia (NVDA) 股票
Nancy Pelosi Bought 10,000 Shares of Nvidia (NVDA) Stock on July 26



Samuel O'Brient
Does Nvidia (NASDAQ:NVDA) have a significant catalyst approaching? Rep. Nancy Pe
losi (D-CA) seems to think so. The former Speaker of the House of Representative
s recently doubled down on NVDA stock. According to data from Quiver Quantitativ
e, she purchased 10,000 shares on July 26 totaling a value ranging between $1 mi
llion and $5 million.

Well-known for her trading habits, Pelosi appears to be bullish on artificial in
telligence (AI), but only on some companies in the space. She also recently offl
oaded some of her Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) holdings as the company faces cloud co
mputing challenges and high trading volatility.

7 AI Stocks With “Millionaire Maker” Potential

Pelosi Is Betting Big on NVDA Stock

The former House Speaker is such a prolific investor that “Nancy Pelosi stocks
” has become its own category among news outlets. Most recently, Pelosi has bee
n focused on AI.

Earlier this summer, Pelosi increased her NVDA stock holdings while also purchas
ing Broadcom (NASDAQ:AVGO). Specifically, she bought “20 call options with a st
rike price of $800 that expire on June 20, 2025.” Around the same time, Pelosi
offloaded 2,500 shares of Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA) stock as well.

After several days of struggling, NVDA stock is back in the green today. This is
most likely due more to positive market momentum than news of Pelosi’s trade.
But that doesn’t mean investors should disregard this development.


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1722465884.A.A0E.html
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