[新聞] 聯合醫療執行長紐約遇襲身亡



原文標題:UnitedHealthcare CEO fatally shot outside of Hilton hotel in Midtown in possible targeted attack: sources



記者署名:Joe Marino and Ronny Reyes


The CEO of UnitedHealth was fatally shot in the chest Wednesday morning outside the Hilton hotel in Midtown in what police say was a targeted attack.

Brian Thompson, 50, was at the hotel at around 6:46 a.m. arriving early for a conference when a masked man allegedly waiting for him fired at the CEO repeatedly and fled eastbound off of 6th Avenue, police sources told The Post.

Thomas was rushed to the Mt Sinai Hospital in critical condition, where he was later pronounced dead, police said

Officials said no arrests have been made yet and that the investigation is still ongoing.

The suspect was described as a white male wearing a cream-colored jacket, black face mask, and black and white sneakers. Officials said he was also carrying a grey backpack


根據警方消息來源,50歲的布萊恩·湯普森(Brian Thompson)於早上6:46左右到達飯店,準備參加一場會議時,一名戴著面具的男子疑似在現場埋伏,向執行長連續開槍後沿著第六大道向東逃逸。

警方表示,湯普森隨後被緊急送往西奈山醫院(Mt Sinai Hospital),但因傷勢過重被宣告不治。




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