[新聞] 黃仁勳:不會出席川普就職典禮



原文標題:Nvidia CEO says not attending Trump's inauguration



記者署名: Ben Blanchard and Wen-Yee Lee


Nvidia's chief executive Jensen Huang said on Friday
he will not be attending U.S. President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration,
but will instead be "on the road" celebrating the Lunar New Year with
employees and their families.

Asked by reporters outside Nvidia's new year party in Taipei whether he had
talked with the incoming Trump administration about the new artificial
intelligence export control rules the outgoing Biden administration unveiled
this week, Huang said, "not yet".

"But I'll look forward to congratulating the Trump administration when they
take office."

He also said he had met C.C. Wei, the chairman of Nvidia's main supplier TSMC
for lunch where they talked about ramping up production of Nvidia's most advanced
AI chips Blackwell.

Surging demand for chips has catapulted Santa Clara, California-based Nvidia
into the ranks of the world's most valuable companies, with a market value
exceeding $3 trillion.

However, new U.S. government export restrictions on AI chips may complicate
Nvidia's ability to deliver the robust revenue growth that investors expect.
The regulations, announced by the administration of President Joe Biden on
Jan. 13, limit AI chip exports to most countries except for a select group of
close U.S. allies including Taiwan.

They also maintain a block on exports to some countries, including China, as
the U.S. tries to close regulatory loopholes and prevent Beijing from
acquiring advanced chips that could bolster its military capabilities.
On Monday, Nvidia criticised Washington's latest effort to tighten its grip
on AI chip flows around the world, saying the regulation would jeopardise
current U.S. leadership in AI.

Trump will take over from Biden as U.S. President on Jan. 20. While it is
unclear how his administration will enforce the new rules, the two sides
share similar views on the competitive threat from China.
The new regulations are set to take effect 120 days from publication, giving
the new administration time to weigh in.

Huang attended a Nvidia new year party in Shenzhen on Wednesday, according to
Chinese social media posts. He is expected to visit Beijing on Monday for the
company's party there, a source close to Nvidia said.

Nvidia did not immediately respond to a request for comment.





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