[新聞] 裴洛西賣蘋果/輝達股票 買googl/亞馬遜期權



原文標題:Nancy Pelosi sells Apple, Nvidia stock; Buys Alphabet, Amazon calls,
filing shows



記者署名:Ambar Warrick


Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made big trades in several major technology
stocks, including Apple, Nvidia, Amazon and Alphabet, between mid-December
and mid-January, a filing showed on Monday.

Pelosi- who currently represents California’s 11th congressional district-
sold 31,600 shares of Apple Inc (NASDAQ:AAPL) common stock for between $5
million and $25 million on the last trading day of 2024, by far her biggest
trade over the past month, a Periodic Transaction (JO:TCPJ) Report showed.

She also purchased 50 call options with a strike price of $150 and an
expiration date of January 16, 2026, in Alphabet Inc Class A (NASDAQ:GOOGL)
stock and Amazon.com Inc (NASDAQ:AMZN), respectively. Both purchases were
valued between $250,001 and $500,000, and occurred on Jan 14 2025.

Pelosi sold 10,000 shares of NVIDIA Corporation (NASDAQ:NVDA) common stock
for $1 million to $5 million. She also exercised 500 call options on Nvidia
worth between $500,001 to $1 million, and purchased 50 call options in the
chipmaker with a strike price of $80 and an expiration date of Jan 16, 2026.

Among other transactions, Pelosi exercised 140 call options in Palo Alto
Networks Inc (NASDAQ:PANW) worth $1 million to $5 million, and purchased 50
call options in Tempus AI Inc (NASDAQ:TEM).

Pelosi also purchased 50 call options in Vistra Energy Corp (NYSE:VST).

Pelosi, and her husband Paul Pelosi, have been largely active in equity
markets, with critics arguing that her status as a lawmaker gives her an

A 2012 law makes it illegal for lawmakers to use their knowledge from
Congress for personal gain, and requires them or family members to disclose
stock transactions within 45 days.

Data from analytics firm Unusual Whales, which tracks Congressional trading
activity, shows Pelosi’s portfolio jumped 70.9% in 2024, vastly
outperforming a 25% rise in the S&P 500.

But Pelosi was far from the most successful trading member of Congress.
Representative David Rouzer, of North Carolina’s 7th district, saw his
portfolio jump 140% last year.

Unusual Whales also has exchange-traded funds that track the trading
activities of Democratic and Republican lawmakers- NANC and KRUZ.


Apple (AAPL):2024年12月31日出售31,600股,價值約500萬至2500萬美元。

Alphabet (GOOGL) & Amazon (AMZN):2025年1月14日,各購50份行使價150美元、2026年

Nvidia (NVDA):賣出10,000股,價值100萬至500萬美元。

Palo Alto Networks (PANW):行使140份認購期權,價值100萬至500萬美元。

Tempus AI (TEM) & Vistra (VST):各購50份認購期權。




但蘋果老巴跟女股神都賣了 涼?

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1737431668.A.473.html
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